Monday, April 1, 2019

" Whatever happened to SIN ? "

Joe Biden Offered 'Expressions Of Affection' But Denies Inappropriate Behavior

Actually MY church is a misty and mystical , NO MORE , pre-Vatican II Catholic Church not yet conquered by Satanic demons. But SIN within the church is no more shocking than SIN outside of it. 

The famous psychiatrist Karl Menninger titled one of his last books : " Whatever Happened to Sin ? "

Jesus Christ did not have the soul of a righteous hanging American judge or a thuggish, sadistic Chiicago cop . Or the soul of an oh-so- politically correct New York liberal Jewish lawyer.

The INNOCENCE of children is daily abused by the rotten capitalist system. The infant's first breath is poisoned by air pollution .

Yes , CAPITALISM just loves kids !

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