Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Venezuela on the brink ?

How sad that the United Nations is so impotent in these civil wars complicated by outside " imperialist " interests. How dare Russia meddle in " OUR democracy ". How dare the United States meddle in Venezuela's " democracy ". But does RULE OF THE PEOPLE, MAJORITY RULE mean anything in this most disappointing century ? How many readers here recall the fate of " Marxist " president Salvador Allende in Chile in the early 1970s ? Miserable , meaningless WORDS inspired the Great War more than a hundred years ago- " the war to make the world safe for democracy " . The " Horror of Verdun " settled nothing but demonstrated mass slaughter with scientific cruelty and efficiency. How long can the fear of nuclear weapons - the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - deter the next " Great War " ? When fear and trembling turn to nihilistic boredom ?

Image result for coup attempt venezuela
Deja vu all over again ?

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