Monday, April 22, 2019

Sloppy American journalism on Sri Lanka CATHOLIC Church massacres

Sri Lanka Explosions Target Churches and Hotels, Killing At Least 138

Why is our news media hesitant to use the word CATHOLIC in describing these victims of terrorism ? They ARE all Catholics here- a ten percent minority in the country.

     A week of suspicious church burnings and attempted burning of Saint Patrick's in New York. Why would a philosophy major be consumed by hate for Catholicism ?

        As usual the mainstream news media lies by OMISSION of facts.
The Notre Dame fire quickly described as an accident ?
The ONLY people who speak with such crass insensitivity are the very MINORITY WITHIN A MINORITY that control the mainstream news media in the United States AND the Democratic Party in the interest of Greater Israel - secular ( non-religious, anti-religious) Zionist Jews ) .

        There is no excuse here -after a week of violence and attempted violence against Catholic Churches and Catholics. NOT identifying the victims as Catholic was calculated sloppy journalism.

  Of course , Hillary Clinton, the favorite of the Israel Lobby in the United States, was planning to " reform " the benighted Catholic Church from within . Consult the Wiki-Leaks transcripts.

                Example : COPS SHOOT PERSON in CHICAGO . But leave out the telling fact that the victim was black. DETAILS do matter.

               ARSON IN CHURCH . Leave out the FACT that it was a Christian church with a black congregation. DETAILS do matter.

     Find some stupid NPR journalist ( another " friend of Israel " ? ) who thinks the Catholic identity of the Sri Lanka victims was irrelevant to the story.

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