Friday, April 19, 2019

Radical Ron a " shill " or " just ignorant " ?

[Are you a shill, or just ignorant? All militant unions were crushed in the 1980's (Thatcher, Reagan, Hawke) to allow for deregulation and the wholesale destruction of millions of jobs that went overseas. How else do you think it was [fasciltated?] Those that survived, did so by selling out, purging socialist and progressive and transforming themselves into the industrial police for big business, working hand in glove with business and government to isolate workers struggles and push through the demands of capital. We are in the midst of the worst social downturn in [hisory.]...where are the unions calling for a general strike, where are the sit down strikes of the great depression? I can't speak for all socialist groups, but I [personaly ]know 2 members of the WSWS who are practicing Catholics.You seem to have a [gruge ]against the WSWS. The WSWS has a programmed based on on objective realities, including the nature of the decrepit union movement, for which they have been proven correct time and time again. There are plenty of[ artilces] on union sell outs, with articles responding to criticism like yours, have you read any of them, or responded yourself?   ]                 

I only have a grudge against ALL socialist sects that get in the way of any possible SOCIALIST movement.  I have no quarrel with 99 percent of the articles published on the World Socialist Web Site.
 For some strange reason I was BANNED from the World Socialist Web Site right after one sectarian hyena there branded me the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite , fascist ".  The GREAT LEADER - David North - unless he is in a coma- must have approved.

 As I am an old INDEPENDENT socialist - not the ideological slave of any sect - I am only unpleasantly amused. Here I wink at the caustic wit of the American conservative H.L. Mencken.   

          I have observed that ALL socialist sects or more respectable " parties " exude a self-defeating hostility to MILLIONS of the world's faithful Christians, especially Catholics . That puts the socialist  MOVEMENT on the road to nowhere. To be sure , no party has a patent on SOCIALISM or has any " Blessing of History ".

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