Tuesday, April 9, 2019

" Liberal " Democrats behave more like fascists than conservative Republicans

Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration Policy Of Sending Asylum-Seekers To Mexico

INSANE ? What is so SANE about thinking the Democratic Party owned by the American plutocracy has the solution for all the misery of working class people ?

             Really FANATICAL thinking : if this DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST is not singing in tune with phony " liberal " Democrats , he must be a Trump " fascist ".

          What is ethical about daily SMEARING Trump as a racist, sexist, homophobe , even anti Semite ( ! ) ? He was in SHOW BUSINESS for years without anybody in the " liberal " news media unmasking him as some moral monster .

    For me President Donald Trump is the chief plutocrat in the White House. That does not make him personally EVIL .It just makes him an obstacle to social progress.

     Ironically the " liberal " Democrats behave more and more like fascists than conservative Republicans.

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