Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Can't WE THE PEOPLE decide just WHO is our enemy , who a friend ?

U.S. Forces: 3 Ft. Devens-Based Marines Killed, Afghan Contractor Wounded

The tragic foolishness of defending " OUR Way of Life " in God forsaken places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. Why does " OUR democracy " give THE PEOPLE virtually no say in foreign policy decisions ?

 Can't WE THE PEOPLE decide who is our ally and who is our friend ?

 Just how did American " democracy " arrive at the never questioned notion that WE have " a special relationship " with Zionist Apartheid Israel , with barbaric Saudi Arabia ?

  Just WHO decided that post-communist , CAPITALIST Russia was OUR permanent enemy ? Does the Pentagon War Crimes Machine demand an ENEMY , indeed numerous ENEMIES - lacking the moral virtues of CIA and FBI bureaucrats , of shadow government operators ?

    WE THE PEOPLE can just say no to creepy US militarism.

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