Monday, April 8, 2019

The democratic socialist movement needs a DIVINE moral compass


[ Don't look now, Ronnie babe, but the "Nones' are growing as young people cannot tolerate their rightwing church and leave in droves and are strongly repulsed by the religious right/Dominionists/Pence clones who want the USA to be a theocracy.
What you see as hate is simple rejection of your rightwing religious claptrap, now growing to the proportions of Christian fascism. The pope and vatican saying that Gays are to be killed like Matthew Shepherd and his followers wanting more bombings of abortion clinics. The Catholic Church has zero moral authority and if you look at the Evangelicals/Southern Baptists, they are deep in their own child sexual abuse crisis.
Jesus would thrown out of your version of religion. by the way Humanists/Skeptics Freethinkers/Atheists/Agnostics know their bible better than most of the fundy-gelicals and bible thumpers.]

Also, I would love to get a scolding from individuals who use their real name . And who do me the justice of READING my DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST posts . Even the leader of the Socialist Equality Party , one David North -not a household name - sees Ron Ruggieri as the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " on his World Socialist Web Site . As one " David Green " David North - ON THE SIDE - owns a prosperous ( so I read ) publishing company. So he is an expert on crypto-fascists and suddenly BANNED me from his on- line revolutionary racket ( WSWS )
None of the SEP " clears " ( like the ones in the Church of Scientology ) would defend me against a blatant smear , although one guy named Martin invited me to join the party after reading my THOUGHTFUL comments.

            So I am a stranger in a strange land on the LEFT and on the RIGHT .
Looking for a divine moral compass!

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