Thursday, April 25, 2019

Radical Ron says TRADITIONAL LIBERALISM must be revived in the USA

Joe Biden Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Run

Anyone curious enough to read my blog posts going back to 1997 can conclude that I am definitely a democratic socialist leaning toward Christian Socialism and very much influenced by Marxist economic theory while scorning numerous " socialist " cults that pretend to be " vanguard parties of the working class ".
Being PRAGMATIC I deplore the way the neo-Democrats have made traditional LIBERALISM a dirty word . That respect for FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT is just not there anymore in and around the Democratic Party . This LIBERALISM must be revived in the USA !
What is so right wing about deploring a SMEAR campaign against President Donald Trump and all the working class " deplorables " who voted for him as the LESSER EVIL ?

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