Sunday, April 7, 2019

Most people on the planet do not subscribe to the hateful New Atheism

With Facebook Ban On White Extremism, International Norms Apply To U.S.

My point is that George Orwell ( " 1984 " ) got it right decades ago . Often in his journalism he pointed how the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT ideals -nurtured by Western Civilization for all its flaws - were being attacked on the Left and on the Right . 

With open hostility to religion, to all people of FAITH , how can these " socialist" sects ever grow into a real MASS MOVEMENT ? Most people on the planet do not subscribe to the hateful New Atheism.

Presently, the " liberal " Democrats seem nastier than the generic Right . I don't see any budding FASCIST movement in the United States.

The mainstream news media in the United States is openly biased against the Republican Party , against cultural conservatism in general. Are daily smears any substitute for progressive or rational IDEAS ?

And yet what is " progressive " about the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism ? What is so " progressive " about palpable hostility to Christianity , especially to the 2000 year old Catholic faith ?

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