Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Hard to find any outspoken ANTI-ZIONIST Jews

Joe Biden Is Democrats' Past, But New Allegations Mean He Might Not Be Its Future

There is no " vulgar language " in any sentence of my last comment here. I don't think that " Zionist Jews " are out to get me. I do think the secular, non-religious Zionist Jews control the mainstream news media and also influence many seemingly " independent " third parties. A " Zionist Socialist " is an oxymoron . State worship ( the uncritical support for Zionist Apartheid Israel ) is anathema to democratic socialism. It is damned by the Ten Commandments.
To say that a " Greater Israel " agenda prevails in the foreign policy of the United States is not crackpot nonsense.
To say that Zionist Jews ( Democrat Chuck Schumer declared that anti-Zionism IS anti-Semitism and he sees himself as a " guardian angel " of this racist country ) are not powerful voices in both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party is to deny reality.
Anti-Zionist -often religious or Marxist socialist- Jews are muzzled in the mainstream news media. A friend of mine , a retired URI math professor , referred me to one academic, ANTI-ZIONIST, professor named Finkelstein. I will check him out ) 
Our CORRUPT Rhode Island Congressman , David Cicilline , who advertises his political capital as " openly gay , half Jewish " prates about " OUR special relationship with Israel " . Did working class Christian American voters have any say in this " special relationship ". In fact, WE should boycott both barbaric Saudi Arabia and Apartheid Israel. The two countries are not worth one drop of any American soldier's blood.
Anyway let readers here judge the quality and veracity of my comments -not " shadow government " NPR " friends of Israel " trolls.

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