Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, April 29, 2019
Bloody American political establishment declares " War on Hate " ?
Madness always has a rational explanation . Doctor Freud, a Jew himself ,was right about that. Read his " Civilization and its Discontents ". Modern anti-Semitism can be analyzed as scientifically as a measles epidemic. Even the militant communist Karl Marx would agree with that.
How can anybody insist that Apartheid Israel plays no role in promoting outbreaks of anti-Semitism ? How can the oppressed Palestinians not be tainted with anti-Semitism ?
In public statements on the massacre of Christians ( mostly Catholic ) in Sri Lanka both former president Barack Obama and 2016 losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton referred to the Sri-Lankan victims as " Easter worshippers " as if they might be just Easter Bunny worshippers.
Anti-religious Zionist Jews ( the Ayn Rand fan types-not religious Jews ) do have much influence in the Democratic Party ( despite President Trump's bizarre claim that the party is anti-Semitic ) and in slanting the news in the mainstream news media.
The United Nations did declare Zionism a form of racism. Idolatry for the Zionist STATE has indeed corrupted the venerable Jewish social conscience.
All supporters of FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT in " OUR democracy " oppose any biased censorship of the mainstream news media and the social media. We are intelligent and decent enough to be our own judges of " hate speech ".
What could be more ludicrous than the bloody American political establishment declaring " War on Hate " ?
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