Monday, April 8, 2019

What is the really big SOCIAL SIN of the American Catholic Church ?

Again and again I have said that the freedom of religion is being attacked by the " liberal " Democrats . They are also more and more antagonistic to the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. I never claim to be a pillar of the post-Vatican II Catholic Church . I just defend it from New Atheist smears . In France recently Catholic Churches have been the target of nihilistic vandalism . This is no less morally repugnant than the vandalism of Jewish cemeteries. Pure ethnic hatred makes no scientific sense whatever. But we never hear from anti-Zionist Jews in the mainstream news media.
For me I see the big social sin of the American Catholic Church is its adaption to the capitalist " Way of Life " here and its turning a blind eye to the evils of militarism and imperialism - even going soft on US support for Zionist Apartheid Israel and now promoting the BIG LIE that anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism.
Emotionally and intellectually I PREFER the mystique and the intellectual brilliance of the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church ( first expressed in Saint Augustine's " The City of God " .
The United Nations condemned Zionism as a form of racism.
Both Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu are bullies of oppressed people. Trump's contempt for the Mexican immigrants - legal or illegal - is not on a higher moral plane than Netanyahu's contempt for the oppressed and dispossessed Palestinians.
I am equally critical of so many sectarian socialist parties that are openly hostile to Christianity and even condone Islamophobia.
If anything THE MASSES are religious ! To ignore this great truth is to flounder in futility ON THE LEFT .

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