Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The FBI was clearly out of order spying on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump

The FBI was clearly out of order - in contempt of their American Constitution - in this illegal spying on the presidential campaign of candidate Donald Trump.

How can this top American plutocrat - who no doubt loves HIS Way of Life- be anything but a traditional Republican patriot ? 

As a democratic socialist I understand innocent working class patriotism . One roots for one's country in peaceful competition in the same way one roots for the home team in sports events , for the Boston Red Sox or the New England Patriots. Democratic socialists do not root for the Pentagon War Machine , for victories in the game of genocide and mass murder.

The Democratic Party has quickly evolved into THE War Party , the kind that anti-imperialist writer Mark Twain ridiculed more than a century ago during the Spanish American War.

The " liberal " Democrats now shamefully slobber over the FBI , the CIA, the shadow government bureaucrats. This is no home for serious democratic socialists.

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