Tuesday, April 23, 2019

To " Mean Girl " of the snarky comment

Even a lunatic might get something right: do you ever voice a THOUGHT along with a snarky comment ? What OPINION do I have that marks me a " crazy " ?
 That Zionist Apartheid Israel is not worthy of support from any self-respecting " democracy " , that the Democratic Party is as corrupt as the Republican Party ? That mainstream news media - controlled by secular Zionists - does deceive the public with FAKE NEWS ? That the promotion of political correctness and " identity politics " and anti-Christian , anti-Catholic bias is as hateful as any rants from the right wing crowd or the working class supporters of President Donald Trump ?

            But it is hard to reason with obtuse " friends of Israel " - led by that Zionist -in-Chief Chuck Schumer who tells you that HE is the " guardian angel " of Israel and that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

            Your " ageism " innuendos can backfire on old Bernie Sanders and old Joe Biden and old Hillary Clinton.

               Find a nice Jewish psychiatrist - not a " friend of Israel " to analyze my " rants ". I am not presently in need of a caregiver. Do you wish to insult people who do need one ?

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