Monday, April 22, 2019

Does the CIA control the Brown Daily Herald Web Site ?

Sri Lanka Explosions Target Churches and Hotels, Killing At Least 138

True SOCIALISTS only hate exploitation and oppression. Zionist Israel is an example of both for the Palestinians. As for HATE skills the " progressive " Democrats are unrivaled.

    I could refer you to my 20 year old blog for a check on my " hate " history. But the secular Zionist Jew controlled social media arranges any typing of its address to be REJECTED AS SPAM.

           If you could actually READ it , you might wonder why " Radical Ron is BANNED AT THE BROWN DAILY HERALD WEB SITE. Do students at Brown University control their own web site or do the CIA-FBI " friends of Israel ".

     No doubt this comment will be dismissed with another brainless smear.
THEY can politely explain this , I am sure.

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