Tuesday, April 30, 2019

What if the USA declared itself a proud WASP country ?

'Part Of The History Of Evil,' Parents Say Of Alleged California Synagogue Shooter

I do think that these mad hate crimes are used by a biased new media to bash Christianity . Anti-Semitism has a rational explanation . But there is no credible threat - no fascist mass movement - that threatens Jews as Jews in the USA today.

An Easter Week of terrorism against Catholics in Sri Lanka and Muslims in New Zealand . Is it credible to promote the " news " of a non-existent epidemic of anti -Semitism in a country where Jews lack neither economic nor political , nor cultural security, nor public sympathy ?

What this news media hysteria does is score points for Zionist Apartheid Israel . How can ordinary Jews be safe in so belligerent a country ? What if the United States declared itself a proud WASP country . How would world opinion react to that ?

Is Israel 's nuclear arsenal the best ANTI-HATE weapon ?

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