Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Not God's Plan to stuff the planet Earth with the " highest form of life "

["The Greatest Generation saved our country from tyranny. It's time for our generation to step up and do the same," Moulton says in a video posted on YouTube Monday morning.]

    What you won't get from these flavor of the week " liberal " Democrats is any intelligent analysis of the nature of the conflicts that lead to bitter class struggles at home and demented imperialist military adventures abroad.

       And is there a POLITICAL solution to every HUMAN problem on the planet ? On the issue of global warming , for example, is it not hubris for human beings no matter how civilized to imagine that they can take charge of the titanic natural forces that have shaped the planet earth ? When WE were not around to mess up the planet there were still mass extinctions of life on earth . The Permian Age, for example.

              The vast majority of human being are sane to believe in a Supreme Being . There is a Biblical struggle going on between GOOD and EVIL. And whatever your religious beliefs LIFE for humanity will always be a STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE , for a MORAL PURPOSE.

          It is pure idolatry to think that everything depends on WHO is president of the United States.
The Long View of History encourages us to put aside GREAT EXPECTATIONS for more humble ,pragmatic ones.

   For a start be sure that it is not God's plan to stuff the planet with the " highest form of life ". A completely impoverished ONE PERCENT will not guarantee prosperity for an exponentially growing population. There are indeed LIMITS TO GROWTH even in a vastly enlarged Garden of Eden .

              No Great President can rise above COSMIC FORCES, natural or divine.

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