Saturday, April 27, 2019

Once all offenders against political correctness are humiliated or ruined for life ? Then what?

The Democratic Party's and the mainstream news media's obsession with often stale " identity politics " issues is literally much ado about nothing . The bruised egos of third stage feminism - endless media pandering to manufactured victim-hood -does not connect with the " American Way of Life " in a state of advanced decay.

Once EVERYBODY who ever sinned against DNC based " political correctness " ( as determined by activist , anti-religious Zionist Jews ) is unmasked, humiliated and ruined for life, then we will have achieved the goal of COMPASSIONATE NEO-CONSERVATISM - an exploiting , oppressive , mean spirited capitalist society -with no visible villains . And with only smoldering racism, sexism, and homophobia, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

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