Friday, April 26, 2019

Disruptive mentally ill in public libraries ?

   For several years now I have observed mentally ill individuals -perhaps on group visits to public libraries- regularly allowed disruptive behavior. I must ask a politically incorrect question : what do these sad cases gain by their frequent  library visits ? What about the right of the regular patrons to read or to work in peace at the very much appreciated public computers ? It does seem that everywhere in " OUR democracy " the majority is being marginalized. What matters is the perceived rights of the minority ?

    Just one incident at the Cranston Public Library: Needing to go the men's rest room I was unpleasantly surprised by a bare assed male at the urinal . No supervision ?

       At the Warwick Public Library there is a regular my friend and I call " THE COUGHER " - a one time resident of the notorious Harrington Hall sounding like a one man 19th century tuberculosis ward. Can't they insist he wear a face mask ?

          My sister , a retired day care supervisor ( Bob Kerr did a column on  her" Joyful Noise " school in West Warwick ), tells me that she was finally compelled by the state to take in ANY child no matter how disruptive. That meant that her staff could pay less attention to the other kids.

            I think these issues should get  a public discussion no matter how much they irritate the high priests of political correctness.

             [ Another example : should 30 RIPTA bus passengers be late for school or work in order to load two obese riders in double sized wheel chairs ? Can't they send a special vehicle for special needs passengers ?  ]

Image result for mentally ill in public libraries
 Are public libraries responsible for the mentally ill ?

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