Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Of course people in pain can get addicted to opioids just as many more get addicted to nicotine and alcohol. Nobody talks about rationing cigarettes or alcoholic beverages. The relief of pain is a great gift of modern medicine. Doctors and pharmacists should NOT fear quick ruin when prescribing pain killing drugs . And what is this Puritan resentment at just wanting to feel good or " high " ?
I read that senior citizens are being denied pain killers even for cancer or arthritis .
Taking mood altering drugs should be nobody's business . The DRUG WAR is stupid, a waste of tax payer money.
Nobody raids your house if you have a refrigerator full of beer and wine or cartons of cigarettes in the cellar.
We need WARNINGS about certain drugs from the physicians and the drug industry.
We don't need war on a good thing - " feel good" drugs and effective pain killers.
Drug addiction IS a spiritual disease .Having a serious purpose in life, seeing a MEANING in your life is the best anti-dote to narcosis, to a living dead life style.
[ By the way, my own life style is decidedly puritanical ]
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