Friday, April 19, 2019

Since when is anybody's PROPAGANDA subversion of " OUR democracy " ?

The lockstep conformity of the Democrats IS comparable to the early Nazi " resistance " in the German Weimar Republic. Their heads are stuffed with ready-made - nearly Orwellian - phrases attacking Trump. As a democratic socialist NO American plutocrat is exactly my cup of tea.
But presently conservative Republicans show more EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE than these Democratic Party ILLIBERAL LIBERAL hyenas .

              The Democrats are NOT on the way back to power in the 2020 presidential elections. They have completely abandoned what colleges and the better public and private American high schools taught or tried to teach as critical thinking skills . One must LISTEN to all sides of a controversy.

 The mainstream media is so biased against Trump that WE THE PEOPLE rarely get to hear the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. What we do hear is narcissistic and rather stupid CELEBRITY news anchors- so puffed up with self-importance and striking vanity.

               Is not President Donald Trump's crude honesty and emotional transparency PREFERABLE to moralizing philistine pseudo-liberal Democrats now slobbering over the FBI, the CIA, the sinister UNELECTED shadow government of the United States ? How long will they obsess on a legitimately LOST 2016 presidential election?

 Putin never CHANGED one vote in the working class Rust Belt states. From a distance those nasty Russians perhaps made a claim on FREE SPEECH rights - now held in contempt by the " liberal " Democrats. Since when is anybody's PROPAGANDA subversion of " OUR democracy " ?

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