Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Real DEMOCRACY does not marginalize the majority !

My old Jewish friend wanted to romance a 60 year old woman who described herself as a " Jewish princess " . My friend said she rejected the possibility of a romance because she did not like his broken down Lincoln Town Car. My friend was once a low level millionaire . But he lost all his money in a playboy life style. He shares my democratic socialist views.
As for " you don't like Jews " , I only don't like Jews if they are exploiters and oppressors and enemies of the working class.

To be sure, Zionism , the STATE of Israel, has corrupted the Jewish social conscience for many decades now - especially since the 1967 war. Since the Jewish socialists , Jewish international socialists, have become mere relics of a bygone era. Harvard professor Howard Zinn was very anti-Zionist in his published writing.

The " Arrogance of Power " has now made the Jews as a people the most ethno-centric people on the planet. And state worship is just another form of idolatry.

Millions of working class Christians in the USA simply do not think that Greater Israel is the United States.

Yet , the Zionist-in-Chief of the Democratic Party, Senator Chuck Schumer, says that he sees himself as the " guardian angel " of Israel. WE THE PEOPLE should not be sending Israel three cents a year , never mind THREE BILLION dollars.

Funny , how many Jews vacationing in Palestinian territory are fleeing from persecution and oppression - even poverty - in New York City ?
American writer Gore Vidal wrote with witty honesty about the Israel lobby in America. And about its permanent hostility to Russia, now post -communist Russia where the Christian Orthodox Church is more influential than the deposed Communist Party.

These arrogant cranks should have a big say in US foreign policy ? " OUR democracy " should defer to WE THE PEOPLE.

The Zionist inspired neo-liberalism prevailing in the Democratic Party has marginalized the voice of the majority. Real democracy protects minorities but it is not all about minority rights. It is about DEMOCRACY - majority rule.

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