Thursday, April 4, 2019

We need professional American journalists not corrupted by the Israel lobby

House Judiciary Approves Subpoena For Full Mueller Report In Party-Line Vote

Fanatical Democrats - and loyal fans of " Corrupt Hillary " - are prepared to smolder over the TRUMP NOT GUILTY OF COLLUSION Mueller Report until decrepit old age renders them all speechless.

           The REAL goal of the Kafkaesque Mueller investigation was to insinuate Vladimir Putin and post-communist Russia as permanent ENEMY of " OUR democracy " in the United States.

             Years ago " leftist " writer Gore Vidal wrote an essay in which he pointed out that a clique of belligerent Zionist Jews were determined to get us into war with Russia . The " security " of Greater Israel " demanded it.

                Gore Vidal's always INTELLIGENT views almost always convinced me. But the QUESTION of Zionist influence in the shadow government of the United States -no surprise here - is TABOO .

      What we need is some respect for FREE SPEECH here and professional American journalists not corrupted by the Israel lobby .

         Don't expect this from ABC , NBC , CBS , MSNBC , or the New York Times and its loyal lackeys.

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