Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Anti-Catholicism - the last form of respectable bigotry

Spire Falls At Paris' Notre Dame As Cathedral Is Engulfed In Flames

The fire has to be investigated first , don't you think ? Political correctness and " identity politics " - the ideological creation of so many secular Zionist Jews- tolerates " hate speech " when directed at the FAITH of a billion Catholics around the world. Anti-Catholicism remains the safest and most respectable form of bigotry in " OUR democracy ".

               The capitalist system and US imperialism - and its ally Zionist Apartheid Israel- have inflicted more hell on the children of the world than a few wicked, sinful priests. A while back righteous gay activists were fond of tossing condoms on the steps of Catholic churches.

             For decades " liberal " Democrats have been leading the attack on religious freedom in the United States. So they sardonically cheer the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral ?

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