Saturday, April 6, 2019

Totalitarianism ON THE LEFT will not save the world from the New Fascism

With Facebook Ban On White Extremism, International Norms Apply To U.S.

Here is a bit of irony for you : A severe critic of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is the leader of the Socialist Equality Party and editor of the World Socialist Web Site, one David North ( his BUSINESS name is David Green - owns a NON-UNION publishing company! ). North recently complained to the New York Times about Facebook censorship ( true enough ).

           Every COMMENT posted on the World Socialist Web Site is scrutinized for any THOUGHT damaging to the SEP . To be brief , no spirit of FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT prevails on this well known web site, WSWS.

              I must have upset Chairman North in recent weeks. After one hack writer branded me the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite, fascist " on the World Socialist Web Site I was suddenly BANNED there.

    I was not permitted to refute the SMEAR of this " Joe Williams " . There are many " Joes " in the SEP and they are comparable to the vacuous " Clears " in the infamous Church of Scientology .

               I don't see how incipient totalitarianism ON THE LEFT will save the world from the New Fascism .

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