Tuesday, April 2, 2019

SEP contempt for trade unions itself smacks of fascism

This SEP inspired contempt for trade unions itself smacks of " fascism ".  A better SOCIALIST idea is to work WITHIN the trade unions -not-co-operate with the capitalist ruling class in destroying them before they can be reformed by the unionized workers themselves.  I don't see militant workers anywhere on the planet gravitating toward self-appointed VANGUARD " socialist parties.
Most of these parties are pathetic personality cults, a lot like the " Church of Scientology " . Their loyal members are like  " Clears " - always on the look out for hints of non-conformity, of deviation from the GREAT LEADER'S vision.     
      HISTORY gives no groups or individuals a  patent on SOCIALISM.  Also these socialist sects are uniformly HOSTILE to Christianity , in fact to all people of faith . That is not the stuff of an inspired mass movement

.SEP hostile to unions

Sep 25, 2018 - Shame on the wsws.org moderators for distorting the record and interrupting discussions that ...... Random Poster Ron Ruggieri 7 months ago.]

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