Friday, May 31, 2019

Donald Trump not alone in outlawing SOCIALISM in the USA

As lifelong democratic socialist I know that president Donald Trump is not just speaking for incipient  American fascism when he personally and ludicrously OUTLAWS socialism from the  United States and the countries circumscribed by the Monroe Doctrine. He is speaking for the US ruling class. Their quarrel with socialism goes back to the turn of the last century.     

           The capitalist controlled mainstream news media makes it clear what Karl Marx observed way back in 1848 : " The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ".   

  To promote THEIR ideas the ruling class here in the United States has cultivated the most servile, cowardly intellectual class in human history .            Here even the hapless public school teacher can hardly get away with any serious criticism of capitalism or the American imperialism .  

           Again and again I hear a popular TV and radio " news celebrity in Rhode Island affirm that he was always taught in school that " socialism was bad " .   
           I sent him a polite e-mail : " Gene, try wearing a VOTE SOCIALIST button to work one day and see how quickly Security will escort you out the door. "

PRO-CHOICE Democrats in alliance with the New Atheism ?

As Missouri's Last Abortion Provider Nears Closing, Neighboring Clinics Prepare

The arrogant elitist Left -in contrast to the working class Left- has been deaf and blind to the moral force -no matter how politically naïve - of the PRO-LIFE movement .

    Do " liberal " Democrats think they can re-conquer power by allying themselves with the obnoxious New Atheism ?

ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM can hate just as rabidly as the reactionary Right

'Why Do They Hate Me? They Don't Even Know Me.' The Effects Of Racist Encounter At MFA Linger With Students

One must distinguish between the banal " racism " of ignorant , yes INSENSITIVE bad manners and a society's institutionalized racism ? The latter -unless you consider the Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King in the United States a sad failure- is all but non-existent in 2019 USA.

           How do you check the former " racism " ? Completely ruin and humiliate and shame most ordinary law abiding citizens perhaps brainlessly reacting to negative experience with different racial or ethnic groups ? Or perhaps just " under the influence " DRUNK ?

           How does ostracizing long lists of politically incorrect individuals change their hearts and minds ?

     And how many decent American citizens - identified as conservative or religious ( Catholic , Protestant ) have been falsely vilified and shamed by vicious " liberal " Democrat identity politics ?

         ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM can hate just as rabidly as the reactionary Right .

    Thursday, May 30, 2019

    Conservative voices make more sense on Mueller Russia investigation

    Mueller: Charging Trump Was 'Not An Option We Could Consider'

    ' [This has always been a political effort to destroy Trump, before the election and after, during the transition and after his inauguration. It has always been that. It has always been telegraphed. It’s always been there for all of us to see," Limbaugh said.
    Limbaugh even went so far as to compare the Russia investigation and allegation of an alleged coup to the Civil War.
    "I’m 68 years old. I don’t know how this would compare to Civil War. Obviously, it would pale in many ways to the divisions in the Civil War. But that was then, and this is now. And I am telling you that the stakes for the country are the greatest, the highest they’ve ever been in my life," Limbaugh said.] '

    Why are conservative voices making more sense on the Kafkaesque Mueller Russia investigation even to an old Leftist ? The working class Left is NOT singing in tune with the neo-liberal Democrats and their HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism .

    Besides wicked Russia what does the American plutocracy do to influence presidential elections ?

    The phony liberal Democrats represent the American ruling class as a BIPARTISAN political force along side the conservative Republicans.

              If Russia could not falsify the vote count in the 2016 presidential election , then what could it do to influence the election ? Just what every nation state would do to influence an American presidential election : try effective PROPAGANDA techniques. Only smothering FREE SPEECH in American elections could deter any " foreign " influence.

                    What does the American plutocracy do to influence elections ? It can buy journalists and pay millions for deceptive political advertising.

             Barbaric Saudi Arabia and Zionist Apartheid Israel do not meddle in our national elections ? Germany, France, Italy, England are NEUTRAL in these elections ?

         And our CIA never meddles in the internal politics of other countries ( like Venezuela today or Chile in the Nixon era ) ?

                The Democratic Party is insulting the intelligence of the American voters- especially working class voters in Rust Belt States betrayed by " friends of labor " Democrats.

    Fair play for Russia !

    Mueller: Charging Trump Was 'Not An Option We Could Consider'

    Excuse me , but democratic socialist ETHICS obliges me to defend even crass plutocrats like Trump against FALSE charges and the daily BIG LIE in the FAKE NEWS media- a lie ( COLLUSION with Russia ) that implies that WE THE PEOPLE are in a state of war with post-communist Russia. What did Putin do to hurt YOU ?

          Try this : " FAIR PLAY FOR RUSSIA ! "

    So the Democrats offer yet another Golden Age for working people ?

    Mueller Hands His Caseload To Congress, As Impeachment Calls Grow Louder

    Have "progressive " Democrats voted against the Pentagon War Crimes Machine military budget - a TRILLION dollars a year ? Do they say nationalize the banking industry, SOCIALIZE capitalist industry and SOCIALIZE all national resources ? Do they say END CAPITALISM ?

             Working people were not forced to live in slums in the Clinton/ Obama years ?

            Hillary Clinton announced herself as the SERVANT of Wall Street during the 2016 presidential election. There is the PRIVATE Hillary and the PUBLIC Hillary. Listen to the PRIVATE Hillary , she winked.

                 HONEST socialists -like Eugene V. Debs - have attacked the phony Democrats for more than a century . The Democrats, in the last four decades, themselves have evolved into neo-liberals -not much different from Republican neo-cons .

    The " liberal " Democrats are self-destructing the Democratic Party

    Mueller Hands His Caseload To Congress, As Impeachment Calls Grow Louder

    In their obsession with President Trump as the root of all evil in " OUR democracy " the " liberal " Democrats are self-destructing the Democratic Party. For more than two years , since the first day of the Trump presidency, they have been nothing themselves but a NEGATIVE force in national politics.

             Neo-liberalism is morally and intellectually bankrupt . How ironic that LIBERAL Democrats now sound so much like the war mongering , witch hunting John Birch Society crackpots of the 1950s McCarthy era.

       And leading the pack - with a record here for sleaziness - is our very own Congressman David Cicilline .

                   What a joke ! The oh-so-NICE " liberal " Democrats vs. Hitler Trump and his nasty Republicans.

           Like all national leaders Donald Trump is a moment -long or short- in time. What will the " liberal " Democrats have to offer the country after he is out of office ? A Golden Age of Progressivism as the Clinton years and the Obama years ?

    Wednesday, May 29, 2019

    How about a referendum on the next war ?

    Mueller: Charging Trump Was 'Not An Option We Could Consider'

    No TREASON crime to investigate. By the way, since when was Putin's Russia declared an ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES ? And why would any " collusion with Russia " be more sinister than " collusion with Israel " or " collusion with Saudi Arabia " ?

        What small shadow government of the United States gets to select OUR enemies for us ? CIA , FBI UNELECTED bureaucrats ?

        Should not WE THE PEOPLE have a referendum on nuclear World War

    Does Radical Ron come across as " slightly deranged " ?

    Trump Tries To Humiliate Pelosi: New Target, Old Techniques

    I probably do if you have been stupefied by the ideology of neo-liberalism for the last four decades.
    Fundamentally it does not believe in OBJECTIVE reality . It believes in pseudo-liberal political agendas and the NARCISSISTIC SELF encouraged by vicious and vacuous , DNC based " identity politics ".

                Neo-liberalism has completely dominated the American university and has helped to strangle FREE SPEECH and FREE THINKING and has encouraged brainless hostility to the world's great religions, especially Catholicism .

                  I don' t have any ISM to impose on the human race. I just hate to see TRUTH mocked and FACTS denied. The " liberals " are becoming experts at this .

            I do think that SANE politics would bring about a world social order very close to the ideals of " democratic socialism ".

                 I bless neither the Democrats nor the Republicans in any future political war. But presently I foresee a Trump landslide in the 2020 presidential election. 

    " OUR democracy " was just perfect before PRESIDENT Trump ?

    Mueller: Charging Trump Was 'Not An Option We Could Consider'

    The Mueller Russia investigation was a Kafkaesque witch hunt . Where there is no CRIME to investigate there is no basis for the legal idiocy of an " obstruction of justice " charge.

                The phony " liberal " Democratic Establishment desperately needs Donald Trump as the arch-scapegoat for ALL the defects of " OUR democracy " .

           Everything was just wonderful in the USA until Trump was LEGITIMATELY elected president of the United States in 2016. But what was the theme of both Trump and Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential election ? The FAILURE of " OUR democracy ".

             The Democrat Party presidential candidates - like two dozen brands of deodorant - represent themselves as oh-such-NICE PEOPLE in contrast to " Hitler " Trump .

         Only fools will be fooled here !

    What will invigorate the world socialist movement ?

    Rick, the IDEA of SOCIALISM is very much in the air and on the air . That's great news for ANY socialist . But as an old timer - always INDEPENDENT of Group Think - I would not point the youth in the direction of fanatical sectarian , especially TROTSKYIST personality cult parties. They are POISON ! And there are numerous witnesses here. All traitors to the working class, even when they work at modest paying jobs, NEVER COLLUDE WITH THE CLASS ENEMY ) or collect regular social security in old age ( like yours truly ) ?
    It is rather ludicrous , I think , after a century of self-inflicted failure to build a mass movement, to point to TRUE SOCIALISM ( SCIENTIFIC ! ) to TRUE Trotskyism .
    Even under really TRUE Socialism the majority of the humanity would still prefer to breathe the fresh air of FREE THINKING and FREE SPEECH and be spared an OFFICIALLY ATHEIST state, the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union.
    A clear sign of danger on the Left is a growing contempt for the FREE THINKING ,FREE SPEECH tradition of Western Civilization.
    Again and again I encounter " socialists " who prefer to smear and ridicule rather than argue in a civil manner any point of contention even among comrades.
    Yes , I do think the socialist movement would be energized by transforming itself into a quasi-religious movement not founded on dry as dust and dreary " dialectical materialism ". The whole world could relate to this SOCIALIST movement .

                       Effete images of old Marx, Lenin, Trotsky cannot win hearts and minds in the 21st century .

                       I still think Marx made a good beginning for a scientific understanding of world history . But global capitalism is now way beyond their understanding . A real crisis of HUMAN survival , of human civilization, cannot be solved with reference to effete phrases of the 19th century workers movement - which reached its peak in Germany before the collapse of socialist internationalism at the start of the Great War.

                 An invigorated SOCIALIST movement will do nothing to turn off the scientific-technical elite or the skilled workers.

               But the appeal will be to human SANITY - not to pugnacious class hatred. I think H.G. Wells had the right idea .

    News tip on Cranston Public Library " autistic " guests problem

         After an incident last night at the Cranston Public Library I sent you a note that may have been marred with extraneous comment .  " Those dastardly computers ! " refrains a TV news personality , Frank Coletta .
             My point was simply this :  Do " autistic " guests of a public library have some new legal right to DISTURB -and for HOURS ! - the  long established QUIET RULE ?   They would not tolerate a drunk disturbing this necessary ( for serious visitors of the public library) QUIET.
              Last night -after MONTHS of being annoyed by this un-socialized behavior -I told one autistic black youth to " PLEASE SHUT UP " seeing no group supervisor around to calm him down .  Some staff member immediately moved to SHAME me as a - horror of horrors - INSENSITIVE soul. 

    Others there talked about the rights of autistic individuals. What about the rights of the MAJORITY ? Must " identity politics " marginalize us ?
                     I am presently at a computer station in the Cranston Public Library and I just heard yet another deranged scream .
               Please pillory " Radical Ron " as a crackpot, INSENSITIVE  Trump fascist. A lie but so what ?

    2020 election : TRUMP BY A LANDSLIDE ! And just why ?

    Trump Tries To Humiliate Pelosi: New Target, Old Techniques

    Talk about a LEGITIMATE American president - for this democratic socialist, " The Plutocrat-in-Chief : - " who's sold our country out to the Russians " - is a deliberate BIG LIE .

      With equal logic you can accuse the whole bipartisan Congress of selling out to the Greater Israel Lobby ( " Who Owns Congress ? ) .

             No " liberal " Democrats cares to observe IN PUBLIC how RIGHT WING, 1950s McCarthyism is the tone of the Democratic Party attack on " traitor " Trump. They sound today like a bunch of John Birch Society ( " Who Lost China ? " ) crackpots .

           Have these older Democrats forgotten their own youth when they opposed the Vietnam War, the revived Red Hunt ( recall the famous trial of the Chicago Seven after 1968 ? ) , when they disowned the reactionary FBI, CIA , Pentagon War Crimes Machine ?

          No, THEY have nothing now to offer the youth in the 2020 presidential election. It will be Trump by a landslide !

    On the Left a whiff of the old Stalinism promoting " socialism "

    Discussion on WBUR  

    A U.S. Army Tweet Asking 'How Has Serving Impacted You?' Got An Agonizing Response

    A COMMENT here is not a term paper meant to please pedantic professors.

     Consult ex-members about the Socialist Equality Party being a David North personality cult ( really CAPITALIST David Green, owner of a non-union , prosperous printing company ). Ask DOZENS of former members of the once respectable " Trotskyist " party , the Socialist Workers Party ( Peter Camejo, George Novack, , George Breitman, deceased witnesses to " life in Barnesville " ).
    These " socialist " sects-operating under a pugnacious CLASS STRUGGLE banner ( all enemies on the Left are " petty bourgeois " ) make a mockery of SOCIALISM as a great and progressive IDEA.

           And their open hostility to Christianity, and particularly Catholicism, absolutely precludes any " socialist " mass movement . What THEY offer is clearly Left-Wing Fascism ! The old state tyranny, the old Stalinism !

          Thank God THEY are still obscure !

    Tuesday, May 28, 2019

    A Decree of State banishing God from the universe ?

    Chris Hedges Honored by American Academy of Arts and Letters

    What I suggested for Bolshevik Russia is what is best in the USA : separation of Church and State. Not a Decree of State banishing God from the universe. In other words FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE under " socialism ".

                   " The God Particle " is a paltry substitute for the REAL THING - real or imagined.
    Where is EQUALITY if a " socialist " regime declares ALL religious people - MOST of the human race - second class ( if not persecuted citizens ) .

                  Where oh where has a militant atheism established a humane and rational regime ? In Ayn Rand's Zionist Israel ?

    Radical Ron remains SANELY independent on the socialist Left

    I am presently quite impressed with what Chris Hedges has to say about " The Empire in Decline " ( common grounds with Gore Vidal , a cynical but brilliant ruling class insider ) .

         But I feel a touch of cynicism myself when Chris Hedges teams up with the likes of Socialist Equality Party cult leader David North to defend FREE SPEECH tradition on the internet.

               There is very limited FREE SPEECH on pretentiously named World Socialist Web Site.
    I agree with what Hedges has written on Zionist Israel and the Israel lobby in the USA .

                There is nothing in my blog going back to 1997 that would hint at any anti-Semitic proclivities. But after suggesting that the generic Left was too foolishly hostile to Christianity and Catholicism in particular I was smeared on the WSWS by one SEP pit bull " Joe Williams " as the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist ".

    Then I was suddenly BANNED ON THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE. NO explanation from the guy in control , the Great Oz David North.

             Ex-members have similar tales to tell of the inner workings of the Socialist Equality Party . You might be reminded of the daffy " Clears " of the Church of Scientology.

                  Precisely as a " democratic socialist " I fear for the great LIBERAL TRADITION of Western Civilization - which included respect for religious freedom and all the great faiths of humanity.

              It must have rubbed them the wrong way when I suggested that the biggest mistake of the 1917 Russian Revolution was making the country " officially atheist ".

              Still many of the articles published in the World Socialist Web Site are quite commendable even from a non-dogmatic Marxist position. But I remain SANELY independent on the socialist Left.

      On the Left the spirit of Stalinism is still alive

      As an independent socialist my only caution is the nature of the socialist parties promoting socialism. There is a history of daffy " vanguard " parties that are little more than degenerate personality cults led by some well heeled PERMANENT GREAT LEADER FOR LIFE. The members of these cults are very similar to the daffy " Clears " of the very daffy Church of Scientology ".

                The self-proclaimed SOCIALIST VANGUARD is out of touch with the broad masses that they would lead. For more than a century they have been a public relations disaster for the type of democratic socialism envisioned by H.G. Wells in his " History of the World ".

           And on the Left in general the spirit of Stalinism is still alive. The Left today only very weakly defends the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.

          Also it is hard to refer to Marx's very correct labor theory of value when puffed up " socialists " are enthusiastic gamblers on global stock markets.

        Our Memorial Days honor WAR !

        Our Memorial Days are really designed to honor imperialist wars fought in the interest of THEIR way of life, that of the American ruling class . Excerpt from World Socialist Web Site article today :
        [Lies used to manufacture public consent for war were also opposed. “Don’t fabricate enemies and shove innocent Americans into wars that kill innocent civilians,” wrote one person. “You’ve gained nothing from all the wars combined. It’s been hell for the world.”]

        Who speaks for these combat veterans ? Not the war mongering Democratic Party slobbering over the FBI, CIA , the capitalist " Deep State ". Forever obsessing on the Kafkaesque Mueller Investigation that cleared Trump of sinister " collusion " with Russia.

              Irony of ironies the " liberal " Democrats ( in collusion with the " Greater Israel " lobby ) are promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism ".

               Today they are accusing Trump of being soft on North Korea ! They will start nuclear World War III .

          Saturday, May 25, 2019

          In their GROUP THINK RAGE the " liberal " Democrats are losing their collective mind.

          Trump Tries To Humiliate Pelosi: New Target, Old Techniques

          Very one sided -NO SURPRISE on NPR : Trump tries to humiliate poor dear Nancy Pelosi . Way back in 2016 Nancy Pelosi could win no popularity contest among the crowds that greeted " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders or " nationalist populist " Donald Trump. Remember ,it was all about fury with Establishment politics !

              After Trump's surprise victory ( no thanks to Vladimir Putin ) the mainstream news media -oh-so-slobbering pro-Hillary Democrat - did not let a day pass without declaring it a CRISIS OF LEGITIMACY for the Trump presidency.

              As a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST I could not stand the SMEARING of candidate Trump ( racist , sexist. homophobe , anti-Semite ) and then President Trump ( racist , sexist , homophobe, anti-Semite and CRAZY ) .

             It is the now the Democratic Congress that thinks it is above the law , above the American Constitution. In their GROUP THINK rage they are losing their collective mind.

                 The " liberal " Democrats are not winning hearts and minds in the USA .

          The American plutocracy looks down in contempt on ALL the rest of us

          MFA Bans 2 Patrons After Students Of Color Say They Were Subjected To Racist Comments

          In the final analysis , it is irrational CAPITALIST society - based on gross INEQUALITY between the plutocracy and the working-middle class- that is the root of racist and ethnic -even gender- hostility.

              The ONE PERCENT looks down EQUALLY on ALL the rest of us . You can FEEL it when you walk through the doors of the work place every week day.

                     Why do THEY promote nasty vicious " identity politics " where common people are RUINED or ridiculously punished over mere WORDS ? Are THEY on a higher moral plane than the rest of us ?

                       It is this simple : the American ruling class needs some ideological camouflage . They must seem to stand for something more idealistic than crude self-preservation. American Imperialism needs a benevolent face.

                        Yes , YOU can be black, female, Latino , Native American, gay, transgendered , handicapped, and not be kept down in the capitalist rat race : AS LONG AS YOU SERVE THE PROFIT SYSTEM , AS LONG AS YOU SERVE THE PENTAGON WAR CRIMES MACHINE.

               Back in the 1950s even gay " On the Road " , " Howl " beatniks understood this.

          The Rev. Franklin Graham is no " moral monster " ... New Atheism Attacks Christianity

          1. Your comment is awaiting moderation.
          2. [ If you’re not convinced that Franklin Graham is a monster, consider that he called the “first national monument to the gay rights movement near the site of the Stonewall protests in New York City” an “Unbelievable… monument to sin,” adding, “It’s no surprise that the three officials who represent the area and support the monument are all openly gay.” ]

          3. As a democratic Christian Socialist I certainly don’t think the Rev. Franklin Graham is a ” monster ” anymore than I do Pro-Life Catholics.

          4.          I do think that freedom of religion has been attacked in the USA inspired by the New Atheism and secular neo-Democrats.

          5.        It is pure hubris for any ” progressive ” movement to think traditional religious belief can be shamed out of existence. The generic Left must build bridges to the world’s millions of Christians . I note that so many ” liberal ” Democrats are visibly scornful of FAITH , especially of the Catholic faith.

          6.      True enough , the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was to declare itself officially atheist. I am pleased about the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church. A 1917 Fatima prophecy said that ” Russia would be converted “. Well it HAS been converted from godless atheism
          1. I thought it was New Atheism fanaticism to see the son of popular preacher as a ” moral monster . Militant atheists-like Ayn Rand – DO more evil than less than saintly Christian clergymen.

          2.             Why was my comment removed ? Do the New Atheists prefer to listen only to themselves – a decidedly eccentric minority ?

          3.             Oddly enough, they tend to support irrational capitalism and murderous Zionism and the Pentagon War Crimes Machine – like one Christopher Hitchens who wrote a nasty little book titled : ” God Is Not Great – why religion poisons everything “.

          Friday, May 24, 2019

          The contrast between Life and DEATH ! Meditation at a nephew's wake


            I was struck by this dramatic contrast at nephew Ricky's wake. So full of  LIFE, " Little Ricky ", in the family videos ,   so shockingly LIFELESS in his coffin at one end of the funeral home .  At the  other end of the funeral home so full of LIFE , Little Honey Isabella , with all the JOY aura of  The Resurrection in springtime. LIFE is THE miracle ! 
                     The First Resurrection was Darwinian : LIFE from DEATH , arising from darkness and dead matter some 4  billion years ago.   Eternal " matter in motion " got bored with itself.   " Is that all there is ? " ( A popular Peggy Lee song in the 50s ).  And God answered : " Let there be LIFE ! " And there was LIFE , and LIFE in abundance ,  for all of us humans a lush " Garden of Eden " primal memory .
                      Just  about 100 thousand years ago the first Human " Little Honey " smiled with an exuberant epiphany : " I'M HERE !  "
                      And ever since HOPE never died in the hearts of humans.   What is IMPOSSIBLE if  LIFE and the whole mind boggling universe can pop out of ( divine ? ) NOTHINGNESS ?
                      The Catholic Eucharist has a more subtle meaning : " Do this in remembrance of ME ! "    The joy of MEMORY  -unique to humans .  No " smart " monkey ever thought : " My parents were poor but honest ".    Ever thought : " When I was a baby , my dear mother thought I was adorable ". The JOY of remembering the dreamy PAST and beloved family and friends.  ( a " nostalgic Catholic " ? )
                                       Or " I dream, therefore I am " . Your boy Nicholas wondered if THIS life was a dream from which we will awaken. God  sends  GENIUS thoughts to you when you are young or just young at heart.
                                         " Primitive " Australians talk about the " Dream Times  " .

          Mon, 20 May, 19:06 (4 days ago)
          to Steve

          • Tribute Wall
             Nephew Ricky  

          [ Uncle Ron remembers " Little Ricky " -named after his beloved father Rick Ruggieri-as a heart winning little boy, the first grandson of my mother and father , Domenic and Janet Ruggieri.
          We are all heartbroken - YOUR precious family- over the tragic loss from a mysterious form of cancer- of our surviving " Ricky " Ricky was devastated by the death of his father ,my Big Brother Rick , just five years ago. He memorialized his idolized father in a family video ( on You Tube, I think ) .
          In the last week of his life Rick Ruggieri showed tremendous courage and class by showing up at the Ruggieri Family Re-Union in Cranston. He needed a wheel chair as he had difficulty breathing.
          Ricky possessed his grandfather Domenic Ruggieri 's zest for life and ETERNAL OPTIMISM. rooted in Italian family culture.
          His and Lynn's Foster home was always welcoming to the Ruggieri clan and to Lynn's wonderful family.
          Although Life can seem so cruel and the ways of God so mysterious Rick Ruggieri Jr. LOVED Life
          We say good bye to him with our mourning hearts filled with so well deserved affection and GRATITUDE for his kind soul and beautiful -but too short-life.
          We promise to BE THERE for Lynn and his five beautiful children. Rest in Peace , beloved nephew.]

          A Trump 2020 landslide will leave the Democrats apoplectic for years

          Biden, Sanders Highlight Familiar Split In Democratic Party

          Should the American voters return the Democratic Party to political supremacy , the voters - not hopelessly devoted to YOU - will quickly feel the Obama 2008 shock of disappointment. To be sure the Obama years and the Clinton years were not a golden age of traditional liberal " progressivism ". What Ralph Nader in the Green Party and certain enduring socialist parties have said for years is true enough if not absolutely TRUE : the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are just the left and right wings of Corporate America.

               Here in Rhode Island the corruption of the Democratic Party -which sent David Cicilline to Congress, the voice of the HATE TRUMP , HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism - is Darkness Visible corruption. Governor Gina Raimondo - daily puffed up as a political wizard in the FAKE NEWS media- is LEADING the attack on the elderly , the poor, the mentally ill , the homeless. The elderly medical patients dependent on state funded rides ( a contract with a despicably irresponsible FOR PROFIT company ) have been left stranded for hours in waiting rooms or have walked home in freezing cold weather ) .

           . Many poor families could not get the SNAP benefits to which they were entitled by law. School kids in Warwick are SHAMED if their lunch bills accumulate. Yes, the Democratic Party has made Rhode Island a worker's paradise. It has as much heart as Stalin's Russia.

                         For all this visible corruption the Democratic Party is an ideological mess . It clearly hopes to channel the fan club adulation of some two dozen presidential hopefuls into support for THE CANDIDATE nominated by the party next summer.

                          A Trump landslide will leave them all apoplectic for many years .

          Thursday, May 23, 2019

          Cowardly criteria unmasling FALSE anti-Semitism

          David Sirota: The Terrorist Threat We’re Ignoring

          As an INDEPENDENT democratic socialist I note that even self-described " Marxist " socialist parties and organizations are not infrequently cowardly in letting main stream news propagandists set THEIR criteria for unmasking anti-Semitism.

            After one " Joe Williams ", a Socialist Equality Party pitbull , said that I was the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist " on the World Socialist Web Site ( why was I tolerated for so long ? ) I was suddenly BANNED FROM THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE. The Permanent Great Leader of the SEP ( and on the side millionaire businessman, David Green ,owner of NON-UNION publishing company ) David North did not condescend to give me an explanation.

           Also my removal from the WSWS aroused no interest among these sectarian zombies so much like the daffy " Clears " of the daffy Church of Scientology.

               I never said anything about Apartheid Israel or Zionist Jews that Chris Hedges could not have said here at TRUTHDIG.

               The FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization is also dying on the so called Left.

          Unlike bad Russia the Israel Lobby does not meddle in US elections ?

          Kirsten Gillibrand Says If Trump Wants A War With America's Women, 'He Will Lose'

          Who are the THEY that are tempted to " block " or censor this democratic socialist ? Who now are setting themselves up as self-appointed judges of wicked political incorrectness ? Are they devout Christians , Pious Catholics, Socialist Humanists , Non-violent Islamic citizens ? Old fashioned FREE THINKERS ? Pure INDEPENDENTS ?

                      Speaking about Donald Trump being an agent of Russia ( a smear ! ) how about the " Friends of Apartheid Israel Family " in the mainstream news media ALL registering as " agents of a foreign power " ?

                 Senator Chuck Schumer declares himself nothing less than a " guardian angel " of bellicose, RACIST Israel ?

               Does ACLU have anything to say about the Israel Lobby meddling in US presidential elections ?

          Even Donald Trump is just a moment in time

          Kirsten Gillibrand Says If Trump Wants A War With America's Women, 'He Will Lose'

          With the now half-cracked Democratic Party everything is " identity politics " and President Donald Trump is the ultimate scapegoat for ever flaw in " OUR democracy ".

                       In the 2016 election both Trump and Bernie Sanders were attracting large enthusiastic crowd by openly acknowledging a crisis of confidence in the bipartisan political establishment, in the TWO PARTY system.

                 The surprising Trump victory - made possible by working class disaffection with the once pro-labor Democratic Party in those critical Rust Belt states - made the loyal Democrats apoplectic with RAGE . For two and a half years RAGE is doing their thinking and speaking for them.

                      In making every day a CRISIS OF LEGITIMACY for the Trump presidency THEY are showing contempt for the rule of law. The crazed Democratic Congress is above the law ?

                       No fan of Donald Trump and a more traditional Democrat, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz is right to attack the party of FDR and JFK as promoting the New McCarthyism.

                           All that talk about President Trump obstructing justice is nonsense in the context of Kafkaesque Mueller Russia investigation. There was no TREASON here to motivate any obstruction of justice.

                           Making Trump out to be the root of all evil spoiling " OUR democracy " is to forget that he too is just a moment in time . I would be surprised myself if he can endure eight whole years in the White House .

          Back in power what will the Democrats DO when they don't have Trump to kick around anymore ? They are presently an ideological mess - certainly nowhere near " democratic socialism ".

          Wednesday, May 22, 2019

          Abortion " right " and the Capitalist Death Culture

          Protesters Rally At Mass. State House To Support Abortion Rights

          Last time I checked the Catholic Church had made peace with modern SCIENCE -including Darwin, Einstein, and the Big Bang.

                    The SCIENCE of biology does NOT confirm that the fertilized HUMAN egg cell is a contemptible ( get out of my life ! ) blob of jelly.

                        On the Left myself I see the tide turning toward mostly PRO-LIFE positions.

                          But the " Culture of Narcissism " is part of the capitalist Death Culture.

          Image result for Abortion and the Death Culture

          Working class Christian America has no romantic infatuation with Israel

          14 Years Ago, Warren And Biden Battled Over Bankruptcy. Their Fight Still Defines A Party Rift

          What is anti-Semitic about THE FACTS ? The Zionist influence in the mainstream news media is NEVER a topic for discussion. And consider the TWO PARTY system where you have John Bolton - official " Friend of Israel " - eager to start World War III ( for Greater Israel ? ) . And you have the Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer declaring that HE is the " guardian angel of Israel ".

                       Our sleazy ( check the record ) Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline - making a lot of noise lately - babbles often about " OUR special relationship with Israel ".

                 Working class Christian America has no romantic infatuation with Zionist Apartheid Israel.
          But the mainstream news media promotes the BIG LIE about a national love affair with this arrogant SETTLER ( like South Africa ) nation-state , modern Israel.

          Image result for Professor Norman  Finkelstein on Zionism
          The FACTS are not anti-Semitic

          Criticism of Zionism is not criticism of the Jewish faith

          14 Years Ago, Warren And Biden Battled Over Bankruptcy. Their Fight Still Defines A Party Rift

          The " Jewish faith " should not be identified with Zionism. The " liberal " Democrats are devoted to denigrating ALL the world's religions, especially Catholicism.

              Where do I say that I have a quarrel with the Jewish faith ? Many Orthodox Jews - and a professor named Finkelstein -condemn Zionism as racism just as the United Nations did. Of course , Professor Finkelstein is being smeared in the main stream news media.

                  Zionist Israel is nothing less than IDOLATROUS state worship - not much different from the fanatical mentality of Hitler's Third Reich.

                     Netanyahu thinks more like the militant atheist Ayn Rand than the religious Jew Albert Einstein . By the way, Einstein was skeptical of the Zionist " experiment ".

          Tuesday, May 21, 2019

          So Radical Ron is just a " pissed off lonely old Christian white man " ?

          [ You're not a socialist. You're just a pissed off lonely old Christian white man lashing out in rage at every "identity group" that's decided people like you don't get to appoint yourselves as the top of the social hierarchy any more. ]
          • Is there something not quite right about being a CHRISTIAN WHITE MAN ?

          •   I am hardly a solitary soul . I wish I could be more " lonely " at times. A lot of pests in my life -even BEST friends !

          •    Also is there something not quite right about being OLD ( I am 71 ) ?
            Am I more " pissed off " than Trump hating PROGRESSIVE Democrats

          Nothing inspiring or instructive about fanatical GROUP THINK

          14 Years Ago, Warren And Biden Battled Over Bankruptcy. Their Fight Still Defines A Party Rift

          The instinct to protect civil debate is commendable. But FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT is presently being smothered by self-appointed guardians of political correctness who hide their own less than benign agendas.

             Again and again it is not crude racism that is censored - self-damning and self-ostracizing - but unpopular and controversial IDEAS & OPINIONS.

                I want to judge for myself somebody's heart and mind. I don't need the moral protection of sanctimonious and PAID censors often employed by a smug elite.

                          Neither the so called Left nor the so called Right in the USA is showing much tolerance for FREE SPEECH. But the left-wing fascism is on display in many college campuses and university campuses - like Brown, Yale, Harvard , Princeton- where oh-so-PROGRESSIVE kids shout down and disrupt conservative speakers .

                         Nothing inspiring and instructive about fanatical GROUP THINK .

          Trump as Orwellian scapegoat - a Republican Emmanuel Goldstein ( " 1984 " )

          Voters in America will soon have a horrible choice between left-wing " politically correct " fascism and right wing fascism of the kind dear to neo-Nazis.

               As a democratic socialist myself - leaning toward a tolerant Christian Socialism- I am most disturbed by the decline of the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition in " OUR democracy ".            Oddly enough, it is the Democratic Party  that promotes the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism.

          The Democratic Party that now slobbers over the shadow government of the United States, the CIA , the FBI, the Pentagon War Crimes Machine. And daffy FOX NEWS says daily that they are flirting with SOCIALISM which Trump has arrogantly OUTLAWED in HIS country as well as in Venezuela .

                   The mainstream news media here is making President Donald Trump into the ULTIMATE Orwellian scapegoat ( A Republican Emmanuel Goldstein in " 1984 "  ) .  So all was perfection in " OUR democracy " until Trump was shockingly and LEGITIMATELY elected president in 2016 ?

                             The Democrats have a death grip on the Kafkaesque Mueller Russia Investigation . And yet that report says NO COLLUSION .  Big surprise that Plutocrat-in Chief Donald Trump is loyal to the American plutocracy , and really devoted to " making America great again "  ( as defined by bellicose  American imperialism ).    
                    What future moral abominations can we expect from this paranoid ruling class ?

          Don't censor " offensive " comments

          Does Representing Harvey Weinstein Preclude This Law Professor From Serving Students?

          I would prefer to read even offensive comments and judge for myself the heart and mind behind them. After all, who is monitoring the monitors ?

                It seems to me that Israel 's public relations problems would benefit from open debate in which the voice of oppressed Palestinians gets a full hearing in some world court ( like the United Nations ) .

                 Nobody should be branded a RACIST , SEXIST , HOMOPHOBE , ISLAMOPHOBE , or ANTI-SEMITE and then just be silenced.

                  In a rational universe even irrationalism has a scientific or theological explanation.

                    As a gifted people intellectually and culturally and often enough even morally the Jews are better able to defend themselves then so many wretched oppressed people. Just think that the great scientist Albert Einstein was once asked to be the president of Israel .He wisely declined.

          The light are going out in Western Civilization

          The Democratic Party is an ideological mess unable to form a UNITED FRONT against increasingly coherent and united Republicans . The Democratic Party has re-invented Donald Trump as the ultimate SCAPEGOAT - the root of all evil in once flawless " OUR democracy ".

                         If you recall the THEME of the 2016 presidential election - fury over the political Establishment , the TWO PARTY system , you must be puzzled why the Democrats should now anoint that quintessential ESTABLISHMENT politician Joe Biden.

                        Elizabeth Warren was humanly appealing -after the economic nightmare of 2008 - when she was publicly defending a ruined American middle class in free fall.

                       But where is her appeal now after embracing " Wall St. Hillary " , " Hawk Hillary " , " Corrupt Hillary " rather than Bernie Sanders who stunned the country with his primary victories beginning in New Hampshire ?

                            Despite what Fox News says about the Democratic Party being besotted with " progressivism " and " socialism " nothing could be further from the truth. The Democratic Party is increasingly hostile even to the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization ( I am amazed to hear a young Democrat declare that he or she does NOT believe in FREE SPEECH on college campuses ).

                        As a democratic socialist myself ( leaning toward Christian Socialism ) I am appalled to see the voters in 2020 election have a horrible choice between left-wing fascism and right wing fascism.

          There are , of course , obscure third parties that brand themselves Trotskyist or Maoist or Leninist or Castro-ist.. Up close and personal they are scary personality cults led by some well-heeled GREAT LEADER whose pathetic followers might remind you of the daffy " Clears " in the daffy Church of Scientology .

                      It might seem strange that socialist EQUALITY and liberal Democrat " identity politics " can acquire a FASCIST character. But it is happening here !

                           Considering the increase in mindless , violent , nihilistic CRIME and mass murders - reported and under-reported - LAW & ORDER and the Republican Party might be the final winners in 2020 presidential election.

                    But the lights are going out in Western Civilization.