Saturday, March 30, 2019

Jewish writer protests anti-Catholic bigotry

From The Mosaic , 2019

 [ " We hear a great deal from many in the Jewish world about their concerns about anti-Semitism, as well as their worries about Islamophobia. But silence when members of Congress treat Catholicism as if it were a branch of Islamic State.
The point is that you don’t have to agree with the Knights of Columbus or the [Catholic] Church about any of the hot-button social issues on which the views of many Americans have changed in recent years. But no one who pretends to believe in religious freedom and the rights enumerated in the Constitution can stand by quietly while confirmation hearings increasingly are used to debate whether adherents of a mainstream faith—or any faith—should be allowed to hold office. " ]

        Do LIBERAL Democrats object to this Jewish writer's opinion ?

No working class support for military intervention in Venezuela

'Time To Act': Venezuelans Who Fled To Colombia Are Eager To Oust Maduro

The Cubans who fled to Miami in 1959 were eager to oust Fidel Castro. In revolutionary Cuba they were branded the unflattering word " gusanos ".

            Do any readers here think that working class Venezuelans will welcome US imperialist intervention in any civil war there ? Russia and China support Maduro. In what way is OUR police state morally superior to ANY third world police state ?.

    " OUR democracy " - what is left of it- has too many challenges at home.

     There will be NO SUPPORT from the American working class for any military adventures in Latin America. Recall Chile in 1973 and war criminal Henry Kissinger arranging the assassination of the elected president of Chile , Marxist Salvador Allende ?

Image result for Castro and " gusanos " in Miami
Reactionary nostalgia for the glorious Batista Days

So Senator Chuck Schumer wants to be Zionist Israel's " guardian angel " ?

Why Did The Pope Refuse To Let Worshippers Kiss His Ring? 'Hygiene'

That secular Zionist Jews control the mainstream news media in the United States has been a self-evident truth to people of the Left far removed from Nazi ideology . Oddly enough , Zionist Apartheid Israel is flirting with " white supremacy " -not just hateful Islamo-phobia . It can be compared to racist South Africa . Did South Africa have a RIGHT TO EXIST as a RACIST state ?
The topic of WHO controls the media is TABOO . TRUTH demands that the predominant view be confirmed or refuted.

         The American working class is still mostly Christian and " God fearing " and they will not be bullied into war or TAX PAYER support for " greater Israel ". The Zionist-in-Chief of the Democratic Party , Chuck Schumer, declares that anti-Zionism IS anti-Semitism. And then he says that HE wants to be the " guardian angel of Israel ".

             THAT is ALL-American ,patriotic LOYALTY , Senator Schumer ?

Friday, March 29, 2019

Ex SEP member Joe Hargrave on David North

Joe Hargrave: A Former SEP (WSWS) Member Speaks Out on David North aka David Green – A Tale of Two Men (Eric Josephson)
– 21. Juni 2015Eingestellt unter: Left Discussions & news
By Joe Hargrave
[Here is a story you might find interesting:

I know of two men. One of them is the leader of a small Trotskyist political party in the United States. He is known as David North. The other is the CEO of Grand River Printing & Imaging, a company that earns 25 million dollars a year according to its website. They call him David W. Green.

For nearly 30 years, Mr. North ran his political party and Mr. Green ran his business. Mr. North gave speeches about the exploitation of the working class. Mr. Green exploited his workers, deriving surplus value from their unpaid labor. Mr. North thundered against the corporations that dominate American political life. Mr. Green sought those corporations out as clients, and probably did lunch with some of their executives. Mr. North would talk about the disgusting climate of corporate greed that pervaded the American cultural atmosphere. Mr. Green helped actualize that corporate greed by printing advertisements to help them push their products on consumers.]

             No wonder Chairman North has no time to explain anything to prole socialist Ron Ruggieri

Mainstream news media in the United States dominated by secular, anti-religion Zionist Jews

Why Did The Pope Refuse To Let Worshippers Kiss His Ring? 'Hygiene'

Just a fact and facts are not " anti-Semitic " : the mainstream news media in the United States is dominated by secular ( non-religious ) Zionist Jews. They are the backbone behind the New Atheism phenomenon and the driving force behind daily bashing of RELIGION in general, of people of faith . But they are particularly vitriolic on the 2000 year old Roman Catholic Church. They always try to make this still very human CHURCH look ridiculous. The last time I checked the Catholic Church had no quarrel with SCIENCE or modern medicine.

               Many of these " New Atheists " are now caught up in personal morals scandals. Perhaps a dose of religious belief would have saved them from the temptations of accursed Babylon. As the Russian writer Dostoevsky wrote : " If God does not exist , then everything is permitted ".

                 But our New Atheists are more besotted with the militant atheist Ayn Rand and her " Virtue of Selfishness ". The Catholic Church will survive their ugly movement.
May 6, 2011

Two decades after the collapse of the USSR, history's most atheistic state, the vast majority of Russians attest to a belief in God – more than in any other European country – according to a new opinion poll.]

Now the LIBERAL Left slobbers over the FBI, CIA , Pentagon ALL AMERICAN POLICE STATE

Poll: After Barr Letter, Overwhelming Majority Wants Full Mueller Report Released

The FULL Mueller report will reveal no more than the summary. The Democratic Party has so obviously become the HATE RUSSIA NEW McCarthyism war mongering party. In the cultural wars its so very progressive stars indulge in sickening displays of ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM - showing themselves better and nastier HATERS than any group of conservative Republicans.

         How weird that self-described LIBERALS have forgotten their tumultuous 60s perspective on the FBI, the CIA , the Pentagon shadow government of the American plutocracy. Now they slobber over these sinister enclaves of the near future All-American Police State.

     They have the nerve to stupefy the voters with drivel about " OUR democracy " as if THAT were not the issue in the 2016 presidential campaign of BOTH Donald Trump on the Right and Bernie Sanders on the left.

             Trump was right from the beginning : the Mueller Russia collusion investigation was a WITCH HUNT- as brainless and unprincipled as any public investigation in United States history.

Thursday, March 28, 2019


House To Vote On Kennedy Resolution Denouncing Trump's Transgender Troop Ban

Rather than denounce Trump's transgender troop ban why not these oh-so-progressive Democrats denounce the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ?

                Frankly, I prefer the gay beatniks of the 1950s like Alan Ginsberg who wrote the anti-war , ant-Establishment poem " Howl ".

    Can you picture Ginsberg or his friend, Beat legend Jack Kerouac, in military uniform with dumb " patriotic grimace : " Make America Great Again " ( by genocidal war ! )

                 What did napalm bombing do to all those Vietcong body beautifuls ? The gay men on both sides of the long conflict would get together and say : " MAKE LOVE NOT WAR !

               Clearly DNC based " identity politics " has PENTAGON APPROVED reactionary character.

Wall St. capitalism overthrown by MAKE-A-BUCK Zionist David North ( also SEP cult leader ) !

What megalomaniac nonsense : " The international class struggle is far more important than the conflict between yourself and Joe Williams. "

     And the GREAT LEADER of the international socialist working class is a Zionist Jew business man , David North / Green , MAKING-A-BUCK and overthrowing Wall St. capitalism at the same time. My HERO ! My SUPERMAN !

     What would Groucho Marx or Charlie Chaplin think about this member of the tribe ?

      See Chaplin 's " The Great Dictator " . I like Groucho 's  advice : " I just don't want to join any organization that has me as a member ! "

SEP cult leader David North too busy for basic decency ?

Ricky Kagayame an hour ago
Is he or is he not? A search reveals that Joe Williams has not written an article since 2016. Clearly he is no longer a member.
You seem to be rejecting the possibility that you were banned by mistake. Reach out to the WSWS, explain your situation. No doubt they would lift the ban.
North is not an adjudicator of your personal grievances. The international class struggle is far more important than the conflict between yourself and Joe Williams.
North need not notice that a person- sympathetic to socialism - is SMEARED under HIS published article by a member or ex-member of the Socialist Equality Party ?

      " From a scratch to the danger of gangrene " ( L. Trotsky ) .

       Does Catholic = Fascist for SEP leader David North ?

Radical Ron warns American youth : BEWARE " SOCIALIST " PERSONALITY CULTS !

Impeachment Just Got Less Likely And 6 Other Takeaways From The Barr Letter

Unless SEP cult leader David North is in a coma ( soon to be replaced ) HE can read the comments under his own WSWS article and judge for himself that Ron Ruggieri was smeared by " Joe Williams " . Only a very dense reader here will not get it.

            The so called LEFT is rather famous for promoting totalitarianism. The SEP is just one more example of a miserable " socialist " party personality cult .

      The general public should be interested because while the IDEA of SOCIALISM is again in the air and indeed ON THE AIR there are numerous dangerous CULTS like David North SOCIALIST EQUALTY PARTY and here in the USA Jack Barnes SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY .

 The sad degeneration of the SWP is a story in itself - best told by ex-Trotskyist Peter Camejo whom Ralph Nader selected for his vice -presidential mate in the Green Party.

          I just want to WARN THE YOUTH : Beware " socialist " cults . Don't drink the Kool- Aid !

Image result for Don't drink the Kool Aid
A warning to SOCIALIST youth

" Bigotry " is a poor excuse to smother debate on complex issues

Facebook Bans White Nationalism And Separatism Content From Its Platforms

I am persona non grata ON THE LEFT and ON THE RIGHT . George Orwell was so right about a decline of FREEDOM of speech and FREEDOM of thought in the Western world where it should be both protected and celebrated.

        People who are profoundly INSECURE of their own ideas wish to censor political and intellectual opponents.

           To be sure , racism , sexism, or xenophobia , or homophobia or anti-Semitism are not GREAT IDEAS . But they are also a poor excuse to smother debate on complex issues.

Frankly, Radical Ron prefers the gay beatniks of the 1950s

House To Vote On Kennedy Resolution Denouncing Trump's Transgender Troop Ban  

Rather than denounce Trump's transgender troop ban why not these oh-so-progressive Democrats denounce the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ?

                Frankly, I prefer the gay beatniks of the 1950s like Allen Ginsberg who wrote the anti-war , ant-Establishment poem " Howl ".

    Can you picture Ginsberg or his friend, Beat legend Jack Kerouac, in military uniform with dumb " patriotic grimace : " Make America Great Again " ( by genocidal war ! )

                 What did napalm bombing do to all those Vietcong body beautifuls ? The gay men on both sides of the long conflict would get together and say : " MAKE LOVE NOT WAR !

               Clearly DNC based " identity politics " has PENTAGON APPROVED reactionary character.

Image result for "Howl "  Ginsberg


Also, is NOT the SEP in control of its own web site ? Why should my typing out my blog address ( Radical Ron's Blog Spot ) get me " mistaken for a spam bot " ? There must be a SHADOW GOVERNMENT in control of the World Socialist Web Site. Before you people ever get to lead any " socialist " revolution you display nightmare bureaucratic traits worthy of a Franz Kafka novel . Ron Ruggieri = " Joseph K ".

The world does not need more TOTALITARIAN bully dictators - dictators OVER the proletariat . Thank God you still have no MASS APPEAL !

This " Joe Williams " is or was a WRITER for the World Socialist Web Site. David North himself wrote the article that criticized an " anti-Semitic " film on Leon Trotsky and the Russian Revolution. I made a comment or two about it that was not REMOVED . The above are the smears of " Joe Williams " on the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite, fascist " Ron Ruggieri.

      After that Joe's smears were not removed but Ron Ruggieri was BANNED FROM THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE.

       You do sound like Praetorian Guard of the GREAT LEADER of the Church of Scientology.

      Can't Chairman North at least say that " Joe Williams " was smearing me. Or is he too busy with his day job as David Green owner of a NON-UNION publishing company ?

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Coming soon - Radical Ron BANNED IN BOSTON !

Facebook Bans White Nationalism And Separatism Content From Its Platforms

Ron Ruggieri

Just for the record : Catholic Socialist Radical Ron has been :
BANNED ON Brown Daily Herald Web Site.
Soon to be BANNED on NPR
Banned on Cranston, Warwick Patch
And certainly in the near future BANNED IN BOSTON
Any mention of  Radical Ron's Blog get instantly REJECTED AS SPAM
Nobody on the " liberal " Left gives a damn !
    COMMENT : Radical Ron needs a psychiatrist

    REPLY :
Could you recommend a psychiatrist who is a not a Zionist " friend of Israel " quack ? American psychiatry has abandoned exploring the sick human soul for the quick charlatan cure of mind controlling drugs. More MAKE-A-BUCK witchcraft. That and the 50 year failure of de-institutionalization - a crime against humanity.

Radical Ron rather fond of Western Civilization

I think George Orwell of " 1984 " fame was prescient here. Both the Left and the Right are becoming more and more hostile to FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Unlike the politically correct Left I am rather fond of Western Civilization. The Judeo- Christian heritage and modern science and at least the IDEA of democracy is no small thing.

Facebook Bans White Nationalism And Separatism Content From Its Platforms

I think the great FREE SPEECH tradition of Western Civilization should let seekers of TRUTH judge for themselves what constitutes " hate speech " or " hate " propaganda.

      Who are the self-appointed moral elite deciding for the majority what they should not read , what they should not think ?

         Are secular Zionist Jews the ideal judges of " hate " speech ? Who on the Conservative Right or Catholic Left has not been smeared as ONE OF THE HATERS ?

                 Read the lurid email exchanges between FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzuk. They have quite a personal hate list themselves - dumb Catholics  and vile Romanians !

          Should the FBI be favored as investigators of HATE CRIME ?

Progressive Democrats silent on Catholic Church vandalism in France ?

After Mueller Report Memo, Democrats Turn To Health Care — For Now

Will any of these FALSE " democratic socialists " in the Democratic Party -like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren - dare attack the sacrosanct military budget of the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ?

TRILLIONS of dollars can quickly be made available for more constructive purpose than nuclear World War III with Russia or China or another war in the Middle East to make the world safe for " Greater Israel " . 

You would think that these " democratic socialists " would point to the monstrous waste of TAX PAYER money that is the war on drugs and the maintenance of the hellish American Gulag , the state and federal prison system

Don't expect any " democratic socialist " Democrat presidential candidate to condemn the death penalty or to question the revised Roe vs Wade right to infanticide. 

Don't expect any of these oh-so-progressive stars - to see Anti-Catholicism as sinister as anti-Semitism. NPR had nothing to say about the recent vandalism of Catholic Churches in France . This fascism ON THE LEFT ?

Fwd: Catholic Church vandalism in France - fascism on the Left ?

[6 days ago - France has seen a spate of attacks against Catholic churches since the start of the year, vandalism that has included arson and desecration. ]

            With regard to the despicable vandalism at the Jewish Cemetery in Fall River  I suspect that it is more mindless, nihilistic juvenile delinquency than a signal of  resurgent Nazism in the United States.

            Just days after the horrible massacre of Islamic worshippers in a New Zealand mosque the mainstream news media curiously changes the focus to imagined raging anti-Semitism .

        Meanwhile the Islamophobe-in Chief, Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, is honored and received by President Trump after Trump finally blessed Zionist Israel's possession of the Golan Heights.

           An objective reader of the Providence Journal might easily connect any spread of anti-Semitism with the crimes against humanity of Apartheid Israel.

         When the mainstream news media daily and unfairly equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism  it follows that Zionist = Jew .

              More Jewish intellectuals should voice criticism of this idolatrous support of Israel by so many Jews  in no way threatened or persecuted in the United States or even in Old Europe .

               The " international socialist Jew  "-like the late Professor Howard Zinn- is becoming a rare bird, almost extinct.

SEP 's " Joe Williams smears Radical Ron like a good Stalinist prosecutor

Here is your congenial comrade " Joe Williams " . His obnoxious comments on me PUBLISHED -and not removed - on David North World Socialist Web Site .
" LOL, yes Ron, we all know you think that anti-semitism has a rational explanation. That is one thing you have managed to articulate very clearly. Please articulate it at Breitbart and Stormfront, where it belongs. "
"And since many people have suggested that he[ Ron Ruggieri ] may be a conscious fascist who poses as a confused person here just to sew divisions and disorientation, it's worth pointing out that, as the crisis of capitalism has deepened, his attempts to scapegoat Jews for the crimes of the US and capitalism have gotten much more frequent and intense. "
' [Hi Emerson, you must be new here. Ron is our resident antisemite and catholic/fascist apologist. Look through his past posts on this website to find some of his greatest hits like "Henry Ford and Jack Kennedy supported the Nazis because they were classic American pacifists," "Socialists need to reach out to the Catholic Church," and "Jews are an inherently reactionary group, while Italians are naturally artistic and progressive." ] '
" His invocation of a handful of "good" Jews at the beginning of his comment here is, in his mind anyway, a rebuttal to the constant criticisms he receives.'
Does not " Joe Williams " here sound like a STALINIST prosecutor in days of the infamous Moscow Trials ?

Does SEP boss David North equate Catholic with fascist

What needs EXPLANATION first of all is this :  One " Joe Williams " smeared me ( he alone on the World Socialist Web Site ) as the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite ", fascist "  .  Right after I tried to REPLY I was notified that I was BANNED ON THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE.  The SEP boss David North pretends he is asleep on vacation.   
       After  more than 1000 published comments there how can I be suddenly UNMASKED as  Neo-Nazi anti-Semite ?          Common decency AT THE TOP of the SEP organization would at least give me the courtesy of an explanation.   
         ASK the party bureaucrats , you say. That is like Joseph K in  Franz Kafka' s " The Trial " asking for a public defender.    It would not take much effort for the sleepy David North - sensitive to anti-Semitism - to say HE does not equate Catholic with fascist.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Militant Atheism leads not to PERMANENT REVOLUTION but to PERMANENT MADNESS

My guess is that you were banned from commenting on the WSWS because you violated the general discussion guidelines, as I have stated ad nauseum.
Stupid, after two thousand comments NOT REMOVED the lackeys of Chairman North decide SUDDENLY that Ron Ruggieri " violated discussion guidelines " and must be immediately BANNED FROM THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE ?

    I think your intellectual dishonesty - that of an old fashioned STALINIST COMMUNIST - is more evident here than my being " unhinged " .

      The working class American people do not like STALINIST bullies and liars . You reek of North Korea not of " Trotsky in Exile ".

     Militant atheism leads not to Permanent Revolution but too Permanent Madness.

Radical Ron an INDEPENDENT Catholic socialist - why BANNED on the WSWS ?

I voted for Jerry White and Niles Niemuth ( a write-in vote in Rhode Island ) . Perhaps Jerry or Niles can explain to me why I was SUDDENLY BANNED FROM THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE ?     Right after one " Joe Williams " smeared me as the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite, fascist  "  on the World Socialist Web Site.    
    When I suggested that " Joe " read my blog and typed out my blog address ( Radical Ron's Blog Spot ) my comment was DETECTED AS SPAM.    
      Can the Great Oz, David North , please give me a simple , honest explanation. I have no history of anti-Trotskyism or " anti-Semitism " . I am an INDEPENDENT , Catholic socialist. So what ? No FREE SPEECH rights on their web site ? My personal blog goes back to 1997 .

Calling SEP cult leader David North !

Impeachment Just Got Less Likely And 6 Other Takeaways From The Barr Letter

I have more than 3000 UP votes on my Disqus feed. No perceived neo-Nazi would get that much " approval ". Once again, why can't SEP cult leader David North / Green send me a brief explanation why not this or that comment was REMOVED from the World Socialist Web Site ( more than 1000 have been published ) but why old Democratic Socialist ( my blog goes back to 1997 ) Ron Ruggieri is permanently BANNED FROM THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE ?

   By the way, I can function just fine without the blessing of nearly deranged Trotskyist sects of which there are more than a few . The real SOCIALIST movement can breathe freer without crackpot partisan misleaders.

 The real Socialist is NOT inspired by the soul-less New Atheism ( sponsored by secular Zionist Jews or crypto-Zionists ). Nowhere on the planet do these pretentious Trotskyist sects LEAD the working class in ANY struggle. What a sick delusion that THEY are the VANGUARD of a coming socialist revolution.

    One SENTENCE from the Great Oz David North can conclude this controversy. What does he fear ? An INDEPENDENT voice on his World Socialist Web Site ?
    [ I have a right to retaliate with TRUTH after being SMEARED on your World Socialist Web Site as the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite, fascist ".

               David North/Green, for example, is a CAPITALIST . My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker " .

                   This CAPITALIST ( and crypto-Zionist ? ) has turned a SOCIALIST party into a MAKE-A-BUCK swindle.

                    There are at least a few hundred of David North's dupes in HIS Socialist Equality Party . They are like " Clears " in the Church of Scientology. I will pray for them .]

Monday, March 25, 2019

" Why the Professor Can't Teach " by Morris Kline

How Struggling Through Calculus Taught This UMass Professor To Push Her Limits

" McCusker agreed to stick with the class. To improve her grades and understanding of the material, McCusker started to go to after-school practice sessions with other calculus students. For two hours every day, calculus became her after-school activity that year."

        I read that Calculus was a bit of a LIMITING challenge even for popular science writer genius Isaac Asimov . But years ago I came across a book that explained how difficulty in advanced math learning could be the professor's fault : " Why the Professor Can't Teach " by Morris Kline .

 Kline made the point that teaching of math in school ( beginning with basic Algebra ) must be connected with the real , sensuous world of physics. All those abstruse abstractions find application in practical Science. But the average math student would hardly guess this.

              Basic Calculus is needed to explain even Newtonian motion problems involving the concept of ACCELERATION and instantaneous rates of change ( radioactive decay, exponential growth, Newton's law of cooling .

         Studying HARD is not as effective as studying SMART- making connections with the real, sensuous world.

          Now just reflect on this amazing fact : " The null set is a subset of all sets ". With that insight you can conquer the world.
Image result for morris kline why the professor can't teach

Has Zionist Apartheid Israel corrupted the Jews as people ?

Impeachment Just Got Less Likely And 6 Other Takeaways From The Barr Letter

Today Trump is honoring the Zionist president of Israel, war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu . Trump just recognized Apartheid Israel as lord and master of the Golan Heights seized in the 1967 war.
There is bipartisan support for Israel in the United States. The mainstream news media IS controlled by secular Zionist Jews.

           Has Zionist Israel corrupted the Jews as a people in the way Albert Einstein thought Nazism had corrupted Germany and the German people ?
Zionism is a form of idolatrous state worship - incompatible with socialist internationalism. But how many intellectual Jews since 1967 would describe themselves as socialist internationalists ?

The Kafkaesque Mueller Investigation ends with a dud

Impeachment Just Got Less Likely And 6 Other Takeaways From The Barr Letter

The Kafkaesque Mueller Investigation ends with a dud . Every other day the biased mainstream news media ( like NPR ) promised one BOMBSHELL after another. There did not seem to be a balanced mind among the " liberal " journalists ( who curiously reminded some of us on the democratic socialist Left of Joe McCarthy era witch hunters ). .

            The LEGITIMATE president ( by THEIR American Constitution ) Donald Trump was the victim ( for all his real character flaws ) of the most vicious smear campaign in American history.

               Nothing unreasonable about a popular demand for mass firing in the mainstream news media. Why should NPR get any public funding now ?

Image result for Mueller Report
Mueller Report - NO Russia collusion