Saturday, April 13, 2019

Many " illegal immigrants " are not a Norman Rockwell painting

Picket Line Turns Tense As Stop & Shop Union Workers Heckle Replacements

True , American organized labor must have a compassionate attitude toward " foreign " workers in this Land of Immigrants . At the same time it must not over-idealize them as if they were right out of some Norman Rockwell painting. They can and will be used as weapons against American unions . They can degenerate into a lumpen-prole criminal class- useless to EVERYBODY with respect for civilization.
    Let us see these " progressive " Democrats -like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren - these self-proclaimed " friends of labor " and of the American middle class - show up on the picket lines in support of these striking Stop& Shop workers.
    Democratic Socialists support organized labor !

    Image result for Norman Rockwell painting of American immigrants
    The Rockwell  " melting pot "

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