Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Socialist Equality Party thug, David North lackey, Joe Williams smears long time independent Socialist Radical Ron

Ron is our resident antisemite and catholic/fascist apologist. ... Ron Ruggieri is such an individual, and I would urge the site's moderators to consider that vicious ...

Venezuela's Juan Guaido looks weirdly like Barack Obama

Juan Guaidó Calls For A Military Uprising, Declares 'Final Phase' In Venezuela

And what kind of life will " OUR democracy " offer the working class people of Venezuela ? The " hero " Juan Guaido looks weirdly like Barack Obama but " smiling faces ,show no traces, of the evil that lurks within ". A CIA manufactured phony !

Should the coup succeed we will soon get a graphic reminder of the fate of Marxist president Salvador Allende in Chile circa 1973 . Meet the new boss - Guaido a soul mate of the fascist Pinochet .

Still living war criminal Henry Kissinger can relive his glory days . 

How dare Russia meddle in " OUR democracy " !

' [The president has made it clear that all options are on the table,” he said, making one wonder who the hell do these people think they are.
By now everybody is aware that last week Trump practically appointed a second “president” amenable to his designs for taking over Venezuela’s oil reserves, the largest in the world. His name is Juan Guaidó, an opposition politician who, of course, no one elected. Yet, Trump and his minions, following the guidance of the weaselly Marco Rubio, declared Maduro’s presidency “illegitimate” and called for regime change.
Maduro accused the U.S. of engineering a “coup” and waging an “economic war” against him and his government, something that Bolton and Rubio have insolently admitted.
That is, forget the narrative that the U.S., its for-all-intent-and-purposes satellite Latin American governments and others care about “democracy” in Venezuela, are worried about “a dictator” who was “elected in rigged elections,” etc. The Trump administration doesn’t give a damn about the Venezuelan people, they only care about exploiting their oil reserves.] '

What if the USA declared itself a proud WASP country ?

'Part Of The History Of Evil,' Parents Say Of Alleged California Synagogue Shooter

I do think that these mad hate crimes are used by a biased new media to bash Christianity . Anti-Semitism has a rational explanation . But there is no credible threat - no fascist mass movement - that threatens Jews as Jews in the USA today.

An Easter Week of terrorism against Catholics in Sri Lanka and Muslims in New Zealand . Is it credible to promote the " news " of a non-existent epidemic of anti -Semitism in a country where Jews lack neither economic nor political , nor cultural security, nor public sympathy ?

What this news media hysteria does is score points for Zionist Apartheid Israel . How can ordinary Jews be safe in so belligerent a country ? What if the United States declared itself a proud WASP country . How would world opinion react to that ?

Is Israel 's nuclear arsenal the best ANTI-HATE weapon ?

Venezuela on the brink ?

How sad that the United Nations is so impotent in these civil wars complicated by outside " imperialist " interests. How dare Russia meddle in " OUR democracy ". How dare the United States meddle in Venezuela's " democracy ". But does RULE OF THE PEOPLE, MAJORITY RULE mean anything in this most disappointing century ? How many readers here recall the fate of " Marxist " president Salvador Allende in Chile in the early 1970s ? Miserable , meaningless WORDS inspired the Great War more than a hundred years ago- " the war to make the world safe for democracy " . The " Horror of Verdun " settled nothing but demonstrated mass slaughter with scientific cruelty and efficiency. How long can the fear of nuclear weapons - the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - deter the next " Great War " ? When fear and trembling turn to nihilistic boredom ?

Image result for coup attempt venezuela
Deja vu all over again ?

Neo-Democrats now born again New Dealers ?

Biden, Calling Himself A 'Union Man,' Kicks Off Campaign With Pennsylvania Rally

Yes, the American working class last enjoyed a Golden Age under Barack Obama and Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. After decades of neo-Democrats now we hear the liberating voice of FDR and the New Deal ? Suckers !

Monday, April 29, 2019

Jewish rabbi speaks the ancient language of FAITH

'I Couldn't See His Soul' Says Rabbi Following Deadly Shooting In Poway

[Goldstein added that he spoke to Trump about reinstituting a moment of silence in public schools across the nation, saying the president appeared "very taken by the concept."
"Something has to change; we have to do something about this. We've got to start it from early childhood education, that's where it all starts," Goldstein said. "And if the families at home and in the schools teach the children to respect God and respect each other as human beings and to be accountable for your actions, your thoughts and your speech, perhaps children will grow up with clearer moral and ethics." ]

Note that the ancient language of FAITH - GOD and SOUL - have not been self-censored from this good rabbi's vocabulary. Are RELIGIOUS people becoming anachronisms in the oh-so-politically correct USA ? Can grief counselors make do with a secular vocabulary -as if LIFE itself had no transcendent meaning ?

Garbage scandal at Cranston Housing Authority - THE RATS ARE COMING !


      This is the neglected dumpster at the Cranston Housing Authority 's Randall Manor Apartment at 75 Mathewson St. No pick up  last Friday or Monday . And no excuse. This is a PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD . Also there is a need for an extra dumpster - even with regular pickups.
     THE RATS ARE COMING !  Better living with Governor Gina Raimondo !
                                                                                                          Ron Ruggieri

" Liberal " Democrats now talk like 1950s era John Birchites - with HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism

If Mueller Report Was 'Tip Of The Iceberg,' What More Is Lurking Unseen?

It does seem that incorrigible lackeys of the Democratic Party plan to grow old hugging the venerable " Mueller Report ". But since there was no unmasked CRIME there is no legal basis for endless drivel about " obstruction of justice ".

             They lost , the loyal Democrats need a professional grief counselor.

              And how soiled a Democratic Party breathing the atmosphere of the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. They now talk like 1950s era John Birchites obsessed with the Red Menace .

Bloody American political establishment declares " War on Hate " ?

Boston-Area Jews Gather At Holocaust Memorial To Denounce Anti-Semitism After Poway Attack

Madness always has a rational explanation . Doctor Freud, a Jew himself ,was right about that. Read his " Civilization and its Discontents ". Modern anti-Semitism can be analyzed as scientifically as a measles epidemic. Even the militant communist Karl Marx would agree with that.

                  How can anybody insist that Apartheid Israel plays no role in promoting outbreaks of anti-Semitism ? How can the oppressed Palestinians not be tainted with anti-Semitism ?

                   In public statements on the massacre of Christians ( mostly Catholic ) in Sri Lanka both former president Barack Obama and 2016 losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton referred to the Sri-Lankan victims as " Easter worshippers " as if they might be just Easter Bunny worshippers.

                    Anti-religious Zionist Jews ( the Ayn Rand fan types-not religious Jews ) do have much influence in the Democratic Party ( despite President Trump's bizarre claim that the party is anti-Semitic ) and in slanting the news in the mainstream news media.

The United Nations did declare Zionism a form of racism. Idolatry for the Zionist STATE has indeed corrupted the venerable Jewish social conscience.

                   All supporters of FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT in " OUR democracy " oppose any biased censorship of the mainstream news media and the social media. We are intelligent and decent enough to be our own judges of " hate speech ".

                    What could be more ludicrous than the bloody American political establishment declaring " War on Hate " ?
     Religious Jews condemn Zionism

    SEP lackey calls Radical Ron a " lunatic " , " religious fanatic " , and " anti-Semite "

    What is going on at the World Socialist Web Site ? All my recent SPONTANEOUS comments have been DETECTED AS SPAM ?
    @Ron Ruggieri   " Because you're a lunatic who comments everywhere and is a religious fanatic, antisemite. Seek help mate.   "                 
    Since when is SMEARING a democratic socialist a virtue in " Marxist " politics ?    Find ONE comment that could brand me as a religious fanatic or an anti-Semite ?           In truth there is not a sectarian " Trotskyist " party on earth that is not a degenerate personality cult ( oh-so Stalinist ! ). 
    Consider David North ( also business man David Green , head of a NON-UNION printing business )of the Socialist Equality Party.     
               Where is the " religious fanaticism " in saying that SOCIALIST parties that want to lead a MASS MOVEMENT must build bridges to millions of the world's religious people.       Presently the entire Left is implacably hostile to the Catholic Church. The biggest mistake of the Russian Bolsheviks - beginning with Lenin- was to declare the  young Soviet Union " officially atheist ".          
           Since when does Catholic = Fascist ( according to SEP lackey Joe Williams ?  )
                     Calling anybody a " lunatic " suffices to discredit his ideas and opinions ? Just who do you think YOU are ?

    Saturday, April 27, 2019

    Suicide and the ideal drug for wage slaves

    Activists And Suicide Prevention Groups Seek Bans On Conversion Therapy For Minors

    Only a quack will insist that suicidal depression is unconnected to CLASS and lost or never achieved economic security.

    Nothing will prevent suicide more than a GUARANTEED INCOME -equal to a monthly living wage income in the United States.

    I read that the most ideal abused drug in this country must have been designed for wage slave control . Under its influence the addicts could work triple shifts -no need for food or rest-just a lot of brainless ENERGY bought with PAY DAY credit.

    Yes, suicide can be prevented - but only if the sacred laws of capitalism are nullified.

    Feb 14, 2006 - This rundown offers a brief look at the history of meth; successes and ... use the drug to keep tank drivers awake and increase workers' productivity. ... powder overseas from some of the same nine factories (in Germany, ...]

    Working class Americans will support no future war !

    'Indiscriminate Strikes': Amnesty Criticizes U.S.-Led Coalition's Actions In Raqqa

    You won't find ANY " liberal " Democrats condemning the daily war crimes of US militarism. The reason being the agenda of " Greater Israel " prevails in the " shadow government " of the United States.

    Where has the moral authority of the American government gone to LEAD any " war on terrorism " ? It is clearly GONE WITH THE WIND !

    There will be no working class support for ANY future wars of the Pentagon - no matter how well planned. 


    Once all offenders against political correctness are humiliated or ruined for life ? Then what?

    The Democratic Party's and the mainstream news media's obsession with often stale " identity politics " issues is literally much ado about nothing . The bruised egos of third stage feminism - endless media pandering to manufactured victim-hood -does not connect with the " American Way of Life " in a state of advanced decay.

    Once EVERYBODY who ever sinned against DNC based " political correctness " ( as determined by activist , anti-religious Zionist Jews ) is unmasked, humiliated and ruined for life, then we will have achieved the goal of COMPASSIONATE NEO-CONSERVATISM - an exploiting , oppressive , mean spirited capitalist society -with no visible villains . And with only smoldering racism, sexism, and homophobia, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

    Friday, April 26, 2019

    Will the next Depression revive New Deal Democrats ?

    Economy Probably Rebounded In First Quarter, Thanks To Strong Spending

    A " prosperous " capitalist economy was a big factor in the apparently successful strike of thousands of Stop & Shop workers . Unionized workers , of course, tend to vote for vociferous " pro-labor " Democrats. Union hating Republicans are all too commonplace.

                     Other economists understand the cyclical nature of capitalism as well as old Karl Marx. What will the Democrats have to offer millions of unemployed workers in the next Recession/ Depression ? For decades they have strayed a long way from FDR and his New Deal .

                 For decades neo-Democrats have sounded as nasty as neo-con Republicans.

                 God can work miracles but only when HE is not on a cosmic vacation. In 1968 the cover of Time Magazine got it wrong.

          Will the Moral Majority gravitate to the Democratic Party ?

    Image result for " Is God Dead ?  " TIme Magazine cover

    Disruptive mentally ill in public libraries ?

       For several years now I have observed mentally ill individuals -perhaps on group visits to public libraries- regularly allowed disruptive behavior. I must ask a politically incorrect question : what do these sad cases gain by their frequent  library visits ? What about the right of the regular patrons to read or to work in peace at the very much appreciated public computers ? It does seem that everywhere in " OUR democracy " the majority is being marginalized. What matters is the perceived rights of the minority ?

        Just one incident at the Cranston Public Library: Needing to go the men's rest room I was unpleasantly surprised by a bare assed male at the urinal . No supervision ?

           At the Warwick Public Library there is a regular my friend and I call " THE COUGHER " - a one time resident of the notorious Harrington Hall sounding like a one man 19th century tuberculosis ward. Can't they insist he wear a face mask ?

              My sister , a retired day care supervisor ( Bob Kerr did a column on  her" Joyful Noise " school in West Warwick ), tells me that she was finally compelled by the state to take in ANY child no matter how disruptive. That meant that her staff could pay less attention to the other kids.

                I think these issues should get  a public discussion no matter how much they irritate the high priests of political correctness.

                 [ Another example : should 30 RIPTA bus passengers be late for school or work in order to load two obese riders in double sized wheel chairs ? Can't they send a special vehicle for special needs passengers ?  ]

    Image result for mentally ill in public libraries
     Are public libraries responsible for the mentally ill ?

    Thursday, April 25, 2019

    Radical Ron has no personal enemies list based on political affiliation

    Joe Biden Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Run

    I am NOT a Donald Trump supporter ! Nor a New Republican ! I have no personal enemies list based on people who prefer to vote for ANY Democrat . I don't see any political salvation in the Democratic Party .
    There is way too much political fanaticism anyway : thinking that some SAVIOR is waiting in the wings in ANY political party.
    My main criticism of Israel is that it has succumbed to nearly Biblical idolatry. An exclusively Jewish state is out of touch with world public opinion . I just read that barbaric Saudi Arabia just beheaded a few dozen prisoners. Last time I checked Israel wasn't keen on state executions.

    Radical Ron says TRADITIONAL LIBERALISM must be revived in the USA

    Joe Biden Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Run

    Anyone curious enough to read my blog posts going back to 1997 can conclude that I am definitely a democratic socialist leaning toward Christian Socialism and very much influenced by Marxist economic theory while scorning numerous " socialist " cults that pretend to be " vanguard parties of the working class ".
    Being PRAGMATIC I deplore the way the neo-Democrats have made traditional LIBERALISM a dirty word . That respect for FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT is just not there anymore in and around the Democratic Party . This LIBERALISM must be revived in the USA !
    What is so right wing about deploring a SMEAR campaign against President Donald Trump and all the working class " deplorables " who voted for him as the LESSER EVIL ?

    Joe Biden and the Democratic Party represent everything NICE in " OUR democracy "

    Joe Biden Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Run

    What a pathetic joke ! The quintessential political Establishment candidate, Joe Biden - the antithesis of the Bernie Sanders campaign themes in 2016 - declares himself the moral savior of the nation. His message is this simple : the Democrats led by Joe Biden represent everything good and decent and NICE in " OUR democracy ". President Trump and the Republicans represent only the DARK SIDE .

    What nonsense. On the far Left myself I see Trump being re-elected by a landslide in 2020 . The hard core of the Democratic Party consists of " friends of Israel " zealots , half-cracked feminists, social climbing black opportunists, and assorted " identity politics " cranks - like narcissistic gay rights activists openly hostile to the Catholic Church , often in tune with the obnoxious New Atheists.

    There IS a class called the " Moral Majority ". They don't have a home in the Democratic Party -or perhaps in ANY political party.