Wednesday, December 23, 2015

VOTE SOCIALIST you homeless veterans out there- and tell Bernie that Radical Ron sent you

As democratic Socialist I know that we can quickly end the scandal of the homeless veteran-or the homeless ANYBODY-by ending the tyranny of PROPERTY RIGHT in America. A socialist government will quickly put every slum landlord out of business. Then every greedy landlord in America will get a friendly visit from a BIG GOVERNMENT friendly Internal Revenue agent. The American socialist government will soon be richer than the ONE PERCENT now. But it will use this fabulous wealth to create a more rational and just social order.
The Socialist IRS will also shut down ALL gambling casinos and state lotteries.
Soon THE PEOPLE will own everything- and the greedy capitalist class just a bad memory.
Have a complaint about Obama Care ? The socialist government will abolish ALL for profit medical care in the United States.
And , of , course, no more daily stock market report. All privately owned stocks and bonds will be declared null and void. And there will be a very big VETERANS BONUS as reparation for " service " to bloody U.S. imperialism.
So VOTE SOCIALIST you veterans out there -and tell Bernie that Radical Ron sent you.

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