Saturday, December 5, 2015

Soon they will declare the ONE PERCENT plutocracy a persecuted minority

I have re-read the above excellent article after printing it out and I find myself in complete agreement with its analysis of " identity politics " as pernicious to class consciousness. I observed that old socialists were in the vanguard of the opposition to different FORMS of oppression in class society. But the individuals who obsessed on racism, sexism, homophobia were invariably indifferent to the more general CLASS STRUGGLE issues. To be blunt, I personally judged them-the ones I encountered - to be effete, petty bourgeois snobs.You could never mistake them for " blue collar " types.
From THEM I learned that gay marriage - which I support- is the " great moral issue of our time ". Really ?
I hear that philistine drivel about ALL whites being privileged and tainted with racism - a sort of original sin. .
I hear that Harpy Hillary- as president- symbolizes PROGRESS in the feminist movement.
I hear that Catholics belong mostly to the class of HATERS .
I hear that anti-Zionism is a form of racism.
So besotted with DIVERSITY are these " politically correct " leftists that I soon expect them to declare the ONE PERCENT plutocracy a persecuted minority.

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