Saturday, December 5, 2015

American imperialism and the New Colonialism are as morally bankrupt as any terrorist group

    The FBI is very good at setting up pathetic crackpot terrorists- who should have been first " discovered " by a functional mental health system. But it fails miserably in dealing with the real, deadly serious threats. The problem is that the" war on terrorism " -like the war on drugs- is a bungled, botched, mismanaged , even ill- conceived " war ". Given the prevailing social and economic conditions in the Middle East, declaring war on " terrorism " is a lot like modern medicine declaring war on germs. There is no super biochemical weapon for every microbe and virus that might plague humanity. Similarly there is no invincible strategy against " terrorism "- which is a weapon of despair of a culture and people threatened and seething with rage and hostility.
The propaganda of the U.S. ruling class - with imperialist interests in the Middle East- never even pretends to UNDERSTAND or to try to understand the " fiendish and evil " ENEMY. They make the common people of America think that the wickedness of the ENEMY consists in its willingness to use monstrous means to achieve its political goals. Oh so different from the old colonialist powers of Europe and the ever virtuous USA. Any student of American history can only smile cynically here.
In truth, a little bit of justice in the world goes a long way to weaken the very roots of terrorism. What if the terrorists-like the American Indians- only want to reclaim land that their Islamic ancestors lived on for centuries ? A land now oil rich ?
American imperialism and Europe's New Colonialism are as morally bankrupt as any terrorist group . Only the international socialists know how to prevent World War III .

Ralph Nader on failed U.S. imperialism

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