Tuesday, December 29, 2015

In America black robed YOUR HONORS fawn on the rich

     In  America- as every democratic Socialist knows- black robed YOUR HONORS fawn on rich people in their courts. If a poor black kid killed 4 while driving drunk no judge or defense lawyer would declare that poverty was an excuse. It seems that this joke term " affluenza " keeps a lot of rich punks out of jail. Under a socialist government no rich kid with " affluenza " will go untreated. Indeed the very right to be a rich kid will be outlawed. In general Socialism will de-legitimize legitimate wealth.
Let any member of this ruling class ONE PERCENT go before a televised congressional hearing and defend his or her right to be born rich -or explain how they " earn " billions of dollars just by working so much harder than the rest of us working stiffs combined . It will be more absurd than the infamous Army-McCarthy hearings of the 1950s.
Let Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont preside over these hearings.

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