Friday, December 18, 2015

Democratic Party establishment sends " socialist " Bernie Sanders to Chump-ville ?

Bernie Hillary data fight
      Access to privatized intellectual property- detailed data on potential Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders Democratic primary voters- should be a petty issue for a CLASS based SOCIALIST inspired presidential campaign. A socialist candidate -unless already a SOUL-OUT to some entrenched power elite- will succeed as a socialist only to a degree that he or she awakens class consciousness in a society divided by extreme economic inequality. The " Hidden Persuaders " can be used by bourgeois politicians to advance the agenda of a bourgeois political elite. The Obama campaign, for example, advanced the agenda of the black bourgeoisie -but that agenda hardly conflicted with the sacrosanct interests of Corporate America.
No honest socialist believes that he can square the circle- satisfy both the have-not masses and ruling class elite. A democratic Socialist myself, I think Bernie Sanders should imitate Donald Trump and start talking THIRD PARTY.
Black and Latino voters will benefit themselves by sharpening their CLASS consciousness. Poor whites have been invisible to the politically correct LIBERALS for decades now.
Identity politics should be anathema to socialist politicians. That will never begin to change the class structure of American capitalist society.
I remain a " critical supporter " of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

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