Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Irish- American Catholics should identify with " strange " faith Muslims

   Just a few days ago I watched a long, fascinating ,very informative, public TV documentary on the Irish in America, focusing on the wave of immigration caused by the horrendous potato famine of 1847. Naturally the starving Irish who survived the " coffin ships " took their Roman Catholic religion with them. Know Nothing bigots here persecuted them- even burning their churches- as a foreign born menace to the American Way of Life, an invading people-led by the Pope in Rome- who were almost unique in not being able to ASSIMILATE ( with the help of the Protestant bigots, of course) .
Muslims in Rhode Island should know that the vast majority of Catholics in Rhode Island remember their own trials here as new immigrants.
I thought John F.Kennedy back in 1960 settled the question of a religious test for the presidency. Now right wing - " It can't Happen Here " - presidential candidate Donald Trump would ban the Muslims from the shores of America as both a religion and an ethnic group.
As a democratic Socialist I must point out that Trump's ONE PERCENT plutocracy also has their own peculiar faith- an irrational faith in the goodness of private property and capitalism -not just for THEM but for all the exploited, oppressed, miserable people everywhere.
The International Socialists also completely oppose Islamophobia - and the attacks on Muslims in " the land of the free and the home of the brave ".
Providence ,Rhode Island monument to the Irish potato famine

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