Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Additional supporting comments on Einstein, materialism, and socialism

     " Einstein's concerns about the ongoing need for epistemological rigor and his conscious defense of the materialistic nature of the scientific approach have shown themselves to be extremely relevant, especially when we look at the penetration of idealistic, mystical and obscurantist pressures in the contemporary scenario of Natural Sciences, resulting in absurdities like "quantum mysticism", touted by ideologues with scientific credentials like Frijof Capra and Amit Goswami.
Einstein and socialism
Yet Einstein has been far more than a brilliant scientist bent on overcoming the prejudices and capitulations to idealism which restricted the scientific advances of his time. He also was a man concerned about the political and social issues of his day, quite unlike the cartoonish image of a crazy scientist alienated from reality that is spread by the propaganda of those interested in dissociating his political critical view from his undoubted scientific brilliance.
His acute critical spirit led him so far as to openly advocate socialism in a bold article called "Why Socialism?", from 1949, just six years prior to his death and after having watched the tragic application of his theory by the US government in building a nuclear bomb to cowardly attack the then already battered Japanese foes hitting the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An episode which claimed the lives of over 240,000 people, almost all of them civilians, three months after the defeat and surrender of Italy and Germany in World War II. "
Unintended absurdities of quantum mysticism

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