Monday, December 21, 2015

Sorry but " Joe Sixpack " is not a natural fan of fascist Donald Trump

                                                                                     [" NPR analysis
earlier this year found that one reason Trump has been able to sustain
his surprising momentum so long is that he has strong support among
those blue-collar voters — mostly white men without a college degree."]
To think that Donald Trump is the ideal candidate of " Joe Sixpack " is to slander the working class in general. In the last few decades of fatuous political correctness POOR WHITES have been invisible to the capitalist news media . And clearly " underprivileged " white people have been disdained and stereotyped by the black bourgeoisie. Working class white males have a lot in common with the still oppressed and exploited black masses. Indeed the Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection way back in 1965 between racism and capitalism, between racism and U.S. imperialism.
The American ruling class plays a divide and conquer-at home and abroad. Naturally the working class white man is infuriated to hear that ALL whites are privileged in this society.
The neo-Democrats have been betraying New Deal economic principles for decades now. They fawn on the stressed out middle class : " Save the middle class ! ".
The neo-Democrats -now led by Hillary Clinton- are tone deaf to socialist Michael Harrington's " Other America ". Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont is a refreshing exception- indeed he has at least detoxified the word SOCIALISM.
" Joe Sixpack " -when he sees the face of H.P. Lovecraft on his Narragansett Beer bottle- should know that HPL was a very sober SOCIALIST.
" Joe Sixpack "-- with just a little enlightenment ---will vote his CLASS interests- not for the very symbol of the ONE PERCENT, ruling class presidential candidate Donald Trump.
" Joe Sixpack " has no interest in capitalism at home or imperialism abroad.
" Joe Sixpack " is a pacifist at heart. A pacifist who still hates bullies like Donald Trump.
" Joe Sixpack " respects people who really WORK for a living.
Donald Trump replaces Sarah Palin for " Joe "

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