Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The real religion of Donald Trump and the U.S. ruling class is incompatible with DEMOCRACY

The American ruling class -so well represented by Donald Trump- also has a private religion that conflicts with the ideals of " democracy " : the political concept that society should be consistent with majority rule, run in the interest of the majority. The High Priest of this religion is Ayn Rand. Her ministers now effectively control the government of the United States.
Capitalism and private property are the sacrosanct belief of this pernicious ONE PERCENT minority. For the rest of the American population direct profit making is just a contagious venial sin.
The SOCIALIST position is that WE cannot assimilate this greedy minority-unless they confess and repent. THEY should be banned from the U.S. Congress.They are a profoundly UN-AMERICAN people.

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