Friday, December 11, 2015

To the terrorist Donald Trump might suggest : " Let's make a deal ! "

As a democratic Socialist I think the most " progressive " thing billionaire Donald Trump can effectively do is what independent " progressive " -much maligned candidate -Ralph Nader has advocated for years : break the hold of two party system on elections in America. BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans are controlled by Corporate America. Trump is hardly independent of our ruling class. He is as devoted to the capitalist profit system as any neo-liberal Democrat or any Ayn Rand Republican.
Donald's Trump's illiberal rhetoric is muffling the most " progressive " voice of social criticism within the establishment- Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. His " socialism " is hardly more militant than FDR's New Deal. But the ruling class is not buying it. In fact, the more rotten capitalism seems to ordinary working class Americans the more self-congratulatory sound the big business class, the Talk Radio puppets.
Hawkish Hillary is prepared to start World War III with the most politically correct PHRASES- Wilsonian blather. George W. Bush sounded Wilsonian in getting this country involved in war in Iraq, Afghanistan. The criminal war was the greatest foreign policy blunder in American history..
All the phony liberal rhetoric about the United States' " war on terrorism " is only a cover for the same old colonialism and imperialist interests. WE are not on a higher moral plane than Vladimir Putin -or ISIS.There was no Nazi rhetoric behind the recent bombing of the Doctors Without Borders trauma hospital in Afghanistan - a real war crime, reported United Nations observers.
With Lincoln Chafee out of the presidential race just WHO is the anti-war ,pro JUSTICE candidate? At least THE DONALD might suggest: " let's make a deal ".

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