Monday, December 7, 2015

A vision of an American opium dreamer: A Greater Mecca arises in the Middle East

If every Muslim in the world must live in fear of persecution ,official hostility, and exile , and secret police and next door spies, then they should follow the historic example of the Jews and declare a vast area of the oil rich Middle East THE ISLAMIC STATE. And tell the world: " Allah wills it ! "
They can even invite the dispossessed Palestinians to settle down in Greater Mecca.Within a century there will arise a new Islamic Civilization -as rich and brilliant as the Moors in Spain.
All this can be done with the approval and co-operation of the United Nations and the Muslims of the whole world.They can protect themselves with the Islamic Mega-Atomic Bomb.
THEY will preserve the knowledge and wisdom of the collapsed Civilization of the West.
A new Age of Faith will begin- a lot like the heaven of the Holy Koran.
[ Confessions of an American opium dreamer ]
The Moors in Spain
Radical Ron's " opium dream " of a future Islamic paradise

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