Thursday, September 3, 2015

A local psychic " knows " who wrote threatening ACI letters ?

Any alert reader of the news-from all sources-knows that there is smoldering resentment against horrible prison conditions in the U.S. Gulag . The ACI in Cranston , Rhode Island is just typical. As a citizen of Cranston and a registered voter here ( Democrat ) should not I -or any other concerned citizen --have the right of access to the buildings there, the right to INSPECT the prison for possible-and in recent years most probable-violations of human dignity ?
I don't expect the Providence Journal -or any other establishment news media - to be much interested in monitoring the ACI. NPR wants listeners to send it money. But for what ? You have as much EDGE in recent years as a second hand butter knife.
What is behind these threatening letters ? Let us hear more from the ACI prisoners themselves than from lying and corrupt prison officials. You could catch these smart prison professionals at a seance . A woman in my Knightsville is the cheapest psychic in town, I hear.
Two of my brothers were ACI guards- for a few years. They were sane enough to find more constructive work.
Prison official catches hell from dead inmate

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