Sunday, September 13, 2015

Remembering brother Rick of Foster and September 11

Rick Ruggieri obituary  My brother Rick , who died last year, would have turned 70 on September 11. Since that sad,sad,dramatic day I had to joke on his birthday that he was upstaged by the national tragedy.
The year Rick was born -1945- WE were the world's most vile terrorists by dropping atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The U.S. government knew that there would be tens of thousands of innocent civilians killed. BUT - the Japanese Empire brought this " crime against humanity " on themselves , did they not ?
Likewise ISIS can claim that the Bush War in Iraq -which I myself think is the greatest foreign policy blunder in our nation's history- is responsible for ISIS -and a few gory beheadings.
Rick, a registered Democrat ( who served on the Town Council of Foster for a term ) liked to call even local Republicans " fascists ". What would he think of Donald Trump ? Trump is shouting like a demagogue that President Obama " does not want Israel to survive ".
Perhaps Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont might have a " secret plan " for permanent peace in the Middle East. Any " socialist " knows that the root of war in the last 100 years has been nationalism and imperialism.
Even on a Memorial Day Eugene V. Debs would caution us to honor the dead, not WAR.
Why not every September 11 also read the names of ALL the American soldiers killed in Iraq ?
In Baghdad they can read the names of ALL the innocent civilians killed. And then they will have no time for the civil war.
The refugees are coming home to roost.
Democrat brother Rick thought ALL Republicans were crypto-fascists

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