Socialism -for reasons best explained by socialist author Irving Howe in his political auto- biography " A Margin of Hope "- has had a weak voice in America since the era of Eugene V.Debs.But what the famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud said about REASON is also true of SOCIALISM : it does have a weak voice but it does not quit until it gets a hearing. Socialism is just beginning to get a fair hearing in capitalist brainwashed America.
As a long time democratic Socialist myself -and a registered Democrat in Rhode Island- I continue to give critical support to this political whirlwind Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. I hope Bernie does not end up wearing a VOTE FOR HILLARY button in the fall of 2016.
There is a more militant FAR LEFT in America. And they do mean BUSINESS -but not the Wall Street kind.
Peaceful social change is ALWAYS preferable, to be sure.The People want both law & order and JUSTICE .