Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How many people will be USELESS in a rational Socialist society ?

There is no denying this concept of a world wide " pseudo-left ". I just heard a radio " personality "here in Rhode Island express his shock at the growing popularity of " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont who is " as far left as you can get ". Really  ? The bourgeois news media shifts the political spectrum sharply to the right. So a neo-Democrat is a far- out liberal and somehow President Obama and Hillary Clinton are branded " Marxists " -- and this crap goes unchallenged in the more " responsible ( to whom ? ) news media.
Both Hillary Clinton and Obama make New Deal president Franklin D. Roosevelt look like a flaming Bolshevik.
I can think of one acid test for an honest socialist : do you challenge the very legitimacy of so called " legitimate " wealth ? So you approve a 100 percent tax on corporate profits ?
And a socialist president will not grovel before those black robed YOUR HONORS on the Supreme Court.You cannot permit the ruling class to lay down the law to the revolutionary working class.
Would not a real socialist revolution in the United States mean that soon after it every judge and lawyer in the country will be unemployed -and living a lot more modestly ?
How many people in this capitalist society will be USELESS in a rational socialist society ?
 Even state lottery directors will be USELESS under socialism

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