Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Republican Scott Walker- the fascist stuff of " It Can't Happen Here "

Most dangerous presidential candidate

The American labor " interests " -centered on working class people here-would rightly brand Republican candidate for president Scott Walker as a " fascist ". Almost ALL the Republican candidates for the nation's highest office do not hide their one sided devotion to the American ruling class. They ALL at least secretly worship their " Queen of Mean ", Ayn Rand, author of the cult book " The Virtue of Selfishness ".
But Scott Walker is an exceptionally malignant personage in American politics. A right wing politician who can spit on a crowd of demonstrating workers is the right stuff of the Sinclair Lewis Depression Era novel " It Can't Happen Here " - about how fascism can come to America.
But the class struggle is still irrepressible : stay tuned to the " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sander's campaign. Perhaps Washington, D.C. in October 2016 will look a lot like Cairo, Egypt in 2011.
Since when in human history has the revolutionary MOB been intimidated by any lackey of the ruling class - and his tin soldiers ? Recall Paris, France in 1789.

A future fascist president of the United States

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