Democratic fans of Hillary might try seeing this phony email scandal from the perspective of the Edward Snowden phenomenon -which should make ordinary Americans see " treason " in a new light. Perhaps government highly secret messages are " treason " against popular democracy ? Perhaps foreign affairs should not be so shadowy and filled with high level intrigue-behind the backs of the American people. Perhaps war should not be left to half-cracked military or INTELLIGENCE experts ?
Perhaps American " democracy " should allow itself to veto any foolish war- including this foolishly conceived 100 Years War against so vague and faceless and generic an enemy as " international terrorism " ?
Martin Luther King would insist that the U.S. is the greatest purveyor of STATE TERROR in the world of the 21st century .
But every week now we still read -with a smirk ? - about yet another " top terrorist leader " vaporized by our heroic drone pilots. Yes, today is September 11, 2015. 14 years ago.......Why not read the names of ALL the victims of foolish U.S. wars ?