Sunday, September 20, 2015

Separation of church and state could have saved the old Soviet Union

 The separation of church and state principle-oddly enough-might have saved the old Soviet Union. This pseudo-socialist ( Stalinist,to be exact ) STATE made the mistake of deifying atheism and economic materialism. Russia - as its great novelist Dostoevsky understood-was always a profoundly religious country ( the same is true of the United States ) . The STATE should have been wise enough to leave the soul of the individual alone. It could tell them : " We will give you a great scientific education and then you can -free from economic terror or social conformity-judge for yourself the credibility of your religious faith. Whatever you conclude, it is none of the STATE's business. ".
In America there is an unofficial religion: CAPITALISM . And its high priestess is Ayn Rand. The holy book is titled " The Virtue of Selfishness ".
That oh-so-NICE- conservative Dr. Ben Carson just declared that no Muslim should be president of the United States. Sounds familiar. Did Carson ever read " The Making of the President 1960 " ?
If the editorial page editors do their job, they will soon see what a charlatan is this Dr. Carson.
Dostoevsky understood the Russian soul

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