NPR on Kevin McCarthy As a California politician Kevin McCarthy is a throwback to one Richard
M. Nixon- who also represented-and quite nasty about it-REPUBLICAN
PRINCIPLES. A winning lottery ticket gave him sufficient Kapital to
start a small business. Naturally he began to think like a " petty
bourgeois " - upset about Big Government stealing his hard earned
profits. He may be a good LISTENER -but to whom does he listen with any
respect ? Naturally the American ruling class. No Democratic or
Republican politician was ever punished for conforming to the ruling
ideas-which as Marx said are " the ideas of the ruling class ".
The name Kevin McCarthy recalls the actor- Kevin McCarthy- fleeing from
the pod people in " The Invasion of the Body Snatchers ".
was no accident that it was filmed during the Cold War hysteria- in
which Senator Richard M. Nixon flourished and won his own political
sweepstakes in sunny California. In 1968 he too promised to bring us all
together, a keen listener of the Great Silent Majority- and his few
ruling class campaign donors.
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Cold war hysteria inspired this Nixon Era film |
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