Monday, September 14, 2015

Never married Jesus preferred LOVE from a heavenly distance

   AS a democratic Socialist ( and a Roman Catholic ) I can understand Christian fundamentalists who think some line of decency has been crossed by the STATE granting " marriage " licenses to gay couples. I thought the matter would be settled by legal gay " unions ". But then rather arrogant political correctness demanded the WORD " marriage ".
Just a few years ago any generic " citizen " of the United States would have defined " marriage " as a legal relationship between a MAN and a WOMAN.
According to the Old Baltimore Catechism the CHURCH does not recognize ANY marriage of Catholics by the STATE as true marriage. So why should gay couples cause so much religious angst for the more narrow minded Catholics today ?
The Church no longer wields the Sword of Constantine. And that and the separation of Church and State is a good thing.
Most secular socialists are cynical about the institution of state recognized marriage anyway. They see it as a pillar of the bourgeois - private property centered - capitalist social order. In the 1950s gay " beatniks " -like Alan Ginsberg( a Jew ) and the bisexual Jack Kerouac ( a Catholic ) would satirize " bourgeois marriage ".
I see a little of the " beatnik " in the image of Jesus Christ. Jesus preferred the single state. LOVE from a heavenly distance ?
I never thought gay marriage was the great moral issue of our time. I know that Pope Francis thinks that gross economic inequality is a great social sin.
But would he vote for Bernie Sanders - the lesser evil ?
How many Jewish maidens in town thought Jesus  " a good catch "  ?

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